Wildly (Crimson Romance)

Free Wildly (Crimson Romance) by Debra Kayn

Book: Wildly (Crimson Romance) by Debra Kayn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Kayn
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
right now that I’m excited about, and can’t wait until everyone learns about it.”
    “Hm.” He wiggled his brows. “A woman of mystery. I might have to see if I can convince you to share what you’re doing.”
    She grinned and shook her head. The whole time she’d dreamed up a way to bring revenue to the town there was only one person she’s wanted to share the idea with — Grayson. Now that he’d agreed to help her, she was reluctant to share their secret.
    “So, have you ever been to the country club?” She leaned back in her chair and pushed her plate away.
    “No, I haven’t.” He wiped his mouth on a paper napkin from the bag. “You’ll have to direct me on what to wear. Is it suit and tie only?”
    She nodded. “I think so. It’ll be best if we dress up, and not take the chance of them turning us away.”
    They made small talk while John finished his dinner and then handed her a fortune cookie. She groaned, holding her stomach. They’d devoured the food, and she was beyond full.
    “Go on. If you don’t eat the cookie, the fortune won’t come true.” John cracked his cookie open and pulled out the tiny slip of paper. “Your days are looking brighter.” He grinned. “Perfect. I’ve gotta believe that has to do with you. Now read yours.”
    As soon as Shauna opened the wrapper, the cookie crumbled all over her lap and onto the floor. She snorted. “This isn’t boding well, is it?”
    “Nah, that’s salt. You’re safe,” he said.
    She leaned over and picked up her fortune. “Mine says … the truth lies deep in your heart.”
    Horrible, soul draining regret flooded her. Her hands shook as she brushed the pieces of cookie into her palm and stood up to dump them in the garbage. She couldn’t eat another bite. Her throat had closed and her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. Any moment she expected a bolt of lightning to strike her dead.
    She hated the way Grayson instantly entered her thoughts. He’d made it clear that she wasn’t woman enough for her. Her chest tightened and she forced air into her lungs. Fear of turning into her mother almost brought her to her knees.
I am not like her. I’m not.
    What was she doing? The dinner with John was pleasant. He was attentive and smart and he had a zest for life that was apparent in everything he did.
    Their conversation over dinner had been buoyant as they’d discussed their jobs, their goals, and teased each other, both skirting around the chance to grow more intimate. Still, Shauna couldn’t shake the odd feeling at the pit of her stomach that something wasn’t right.
    The restlessness wasn’t coming from John, but her. She was trying too hard to forget what she already knew. She loved Grayson.
    John stifled a yawn. “Let me help you do dishes, and then I better get home. I hadn’t planned to stay long, and I know we both have to work tomorrow. Is it okay if I pick you up at six o’clock on Saturday?”
    “Sure. That’ll give me time to do some shopping I’ve been putting off.” She turned around and smiled. “I’m glad you came over, and I can’t wait to go to the country club with you.”
    “Are you sure?” He set his plate on the counter, and studied her. “I’m not going too fast, am I? I’m sorta out of practice. I haven’t dated much the last couple of years while I was getting my business set up.”
    “You’re doing everything right.” She patted his chest. “Don’t worry about the dishes. We only dirtied two plates. I can throw them in the dishwasher myself.”
    She followed him to the front door and smiled when he turned around. He grabbed her hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed the back of her fingers. When she didn’t protest, he pulled her close, holding her against his body. She still didn’t make any move to stop him as he lowered his lips to hers for a kiss.
    By the time she pushed away all her doubts and concentrated on whom she was kissing, John pulled back. Breathless and shocked over

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