JF Gonzalez - Fetish.wps

Free JF Gonzalez - Fetish.wps by phuc

Book: JF Gonzalez - Fetish.wps by phuc Read Free Book Online
Authors: phuc
Street bridge is not the best place to go to, especially at night, even if I were to accompany you. I'll talk to a couple close buddies at the station and see if they'll cover me for this one, see if I can get a squad car or two to escort us over. At the same time I'll talk to somebody I know who knows the gangs in the area to sort of pave the way for us.
    Prepare the locals that we're coming. How's that sound?"
    Rachael's smile was enough to make his heart melt. It shined through his soul, melting him in a rubbery sense of excitement that he hadn't felt since he was a school kid.
    “Great!” She said. She reached out and squeezed his hand in thanks, and at the touch of her skin he felt a bolt of electricity shoot through his body. His flesh tingled and he tried to hide the flush that was threatening to rise through his face.
    “I'll have to make some phone calls", he said, squeezing her hand back, trying to ignore the fact that touching her was sending bolts of electricity through his system. “I don't know if I'll be able to speak to everybody today or not. Why don't you give me your number and I'll call you when I get things set up?"
    “No problem.” She reached into her purse, took out a pad of paper and a pen, and scribbled on it. She tore the sheet off and handed it to him. “There's my home number, my cell phone number, and my number at the office. You can reach me easier through my cell phone and at home, though."
    “Great,” Daryl said, folding the paper and pocketing it. “I should have things set up by tonight."
    They talked a little bit more, Daryl trying to steer the conversation back to her work just to keep the momentum of conversation going. After a few minutes he glanced at his watch. “Well look, I've gotta get back to the office as I'm sure you do too."
    They took their trays to the waste bin, threw their trash away, then walked out of the restaurant. As they walked back Daryl noticed that Rachael's body language was still very sensual, still speaking loud and clear that he was moving in the right direction. She stayed at his side as they walked to Broadway and Main, making small talk as they headed back to Parker Center. When they got to the building they paused in front of it, oblivious to the traffic around them. “I'll give you a call,” Daryl said.
    “Good,” Rachael said, holding out her hand. “And thank you, Detective Garcia.
    This means a lot to me."
    “No problem.” They shook hands and Rachael smiled at him, her remarkable green eyes finding his and holding them. Daryl didn't back down from their gaze. “As to paying me back for the favor, let's just worry about getting this set up. Hell, if we pull this off it will be cause for celebration anyway."
    “I agree,” she said. “I think dinner at one of the city's finest restaurants would be in order."
    They said their good byes and parted. Daryl strolled leisurely to the office, his mind playing over the lunch, the conversation with Rachael. He couldn't help but be smitten by her sensuality, her beauty, the way she reacted to him. It had been over a year since a woman had shown any kind of interest in him, and Rachael was definitely showing interest. Whether her motivation was out of her desire to get this story, or that she was attracted to him didn't matter right now to Daryl. What mattered was that she had looked at him with obvious desire in her eyes and that's all Daryl needed. He was going to do everything he could to pull this assignment through and do it safely.
    When Daryl got back to his desk, Steve Howe was leaning back in his chair eating a subway sandwich. He swallowed a piece of sandwich and eyed Daryl curiously. “What the fuck are you so happy about?"
    “Nothing,” Daryl said, smiling wider now as he sat at his desk and turned his attention to the myriad of paperwork that awaited him. “Nothing at all."

Chapter 5
    He was sitting naked on the living room sofa with the TV turned to some magazine show-

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