Guardian Dragons
within the large loading area. At this moment, it was
half-full of seawater and Bryley attempted to see through the
opaque wall of the bay, she could just make out large murky dark
shapes moving around in the water. Approaching the golden membrane
that allowed passage through to the bay, Bryley attempted Mindtalk
to the mother whale at the other side.
    Can you hear me beautiful creature of the ocean? The young Princess asked
hopefully. I am here to help
you and your baby?
    The mother whale awkwardly tried to
turn her huge body in the shallow water. This was not an easy task
but she wanted to look upon the creature that was Mindtalking to
her. Alas, the mother could only make out a tiny silhouette.
Surely, this was not the creature who offered assistance against
the danger that still circled the waters outside.
    Can you hear me? Persistent in her efforts to contact the mother whale,
Bryley would not give up easily. Soon you will have to leave the safety of our protection
and the sharks are still waiting for you. You must allow me to help
you .
    Again, the water in the loading bay
swirled around as the mother whale attempted to get a closer
    I cannot see who you are but if you truly can save my
child, I will be forever in your debt, the mother whale replied.
    I am a Princess of the huphins, so I am allowed to assist
you, Bryley did not look upon
this as lying but more as exaggerating the truth.
    ‘Guards,’ she shouted trying to
sound confident. ‘It’s time to release the whales. As my father is
busy, I am to swim with them for a short while.’
    ‘Are you certain of this?’ the
guards questioned. ‘Those sharks would as soon eat you as the young
whale. I cannot see why our young Princess should put her life in
danger. Your father cannot possibly have sanctioned this
    ‘You dare to question my
instructions. I am Huphin Royalty and the sharks would not dare to
attack whilst I swim with the Queen. Now release them immediately
so we can be on our way.’
    Not so easily convinced, the guard
watched her suspiciously as she entered the water and joined the
whales. She had hopes that the guard would take this as an order to
open the hatchway. This did not happen immediately and she began to
suspect the worse but her patience paid off and a moment later, the
outer hatch-door opened. Seawater gradually flooded in and Bryley
quickly swam out of the protected area with the Queen whale
following, her baby staying protectively beneath her huge
    Sure enough, the sharks had remained, determined not be
cheated out of their meal. They followed the little group
coming out of the huphin
hatch-door, not attacking but swimming closely by, bemused at the
small huphin that had joined the whales.
    I am Princess Bryley and I order you to leave these waters
that are protected by the Royal Huphin Family. Bryley bravely Mindtalked to the sharks, hoping
they were not too stupid enough to ignore her Royal
    It appeared to be working, the
sharks seemed to have swam away as they were nowhere in
    See Queen Whale, my father and
grandfather are truly respected, even by low life such as the
    She could not have wished for a
better result and decided to stay and enjoy a short swim with her
new friends.
    You are a brave Princess but now that they are gone I think
you should return to your city. The mother whale was not so convinced and wanted to speed
up her swim to allow her cub a head start.
    I would like to stay with you awhile if that’s all right.
Swimming with whales is fun. Come on, we should quicken our pace in
case they return, sensing the
whales urgency, she knew she could keep up with them for a
    Very well Princess but you must
swim with my cub close to my belly. I will lead the way.
    The sharks had remained well behind
and out of sight, easily confused at the huphin’s presence and
wondering why she was stealing their meal. Soon they would be away
from the protective magic of the huphin city

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