Give Me The Reason 2: A Love Story

Free Give Me The Reason 2: A Love Story by CoCo Amoure

Book: Give Me The Reason 2: A Love Story by CoCo Amoure Read Free Book Online
Authors: CoCo Amoure
had the talk with him at her house, and not in a public setting.
    Cam looked around and he too wondered where Cane ran off too. Just like him to run out when shit hits the fan, he thought to himself. “Who knows, babe, but I’m sure we will continue this later. Right now my only concern is Delaney. I know you didn’t want things to happen the way they did, but I just couldn’t hold it in any longer.” Cam was over the whole situation. He felt like Cane needed to know the truth and he didn’t regret it one bit. His only regret was keeping Delaney’s paternity a secret for so long.
    Ava nodded her head up and down and wrapped her arms around his waist. She was finally in a happy place. The drinking was a thing of the past and she was ready to move forward with her life. Delaney’s recovery, along with reestablishing their relationship, was her top priority. The next hurdle would be telling Delaney the truth, and the thought of that alone had her wanting to hit the bottle.
    Cam and Ava looked up to see Natasha, headed in their direction with two men following closely behind. Ava inhaled deeply and rolled her eyes. Cam noticed the look on her face and decided to question Ava.
    “What’s up with this attitude you seem to have with Natasha? I’ve been meaning to ask you about that. Every time the girl comes around, you’re always making some snide remark.”
    Ava never told Cam about the secret she’d been keeping that only she and Dana knew about. It was too painful for her to discuss, let alone say out loud.
    “I just don’t care for the child, never have and never will,” Ava spat.
    “We will talk about this later,” Cam stated. He didn’t want to get Ava going and have her cause a scene. Natasha was a sweet, beautiful young lady who he’d grown to love like a daughter over the years. Ava was going to have to explain herself sooner than later, but he had a feeling it all had something to do with Cane and he was almost willing to bet his last dollar on it too.
    “So when can we go in to see Delaney?” Natasha questioned. She could hardly wait to wrap her arms around her best friend.
    Ava shrugged and pursed out her lips. Cam gently nudged her and shook his head.
    “Well, the doctor said that he needed to take her upstairs and perform an MRI and some other tests. I’m not sure how long it will be before we will get to see her,” Cam answered. “Well, who are these two gentlemen?” he asked, nodding his head in the direction of Jason and Drake.
    “Oh you remember my husband, Jason.” Natasha smiled proudly while cutting her eyes at Drake. “And this is Tyson’s business partner, Drake Porter,” she quickly added. Drake licked his lips and winked at Natasha, luckily for him Jason didn’t catch it.
    Cam smiled brightly and reached out to shake Jason’s hand. “I remember you, son! You two dated in high school right? It’s been a long time.”
    “Yes, sir, it has been a long time. I recently came in off the road from long distance truck driving, so I can be here for my baby,” he said, placing a protective arm around Natasha’s waist. He shot a quick look in Drake’s direction. He peeped the arrogant smirk Drake was sporting.
    “That’s good to hear, son. Nice to see you again,” Cam said before directing his attention to Drake. “I believe I saw you the day of the accident, correct?” Cam asked Drake. He never forgot a face, a name maybe, but never a face. There was something about Drake’s persona that Cam didn’t care for. He just couldn’t put a finger on what it was at the moment.
    “Yeah, I came to the hospital as soon as I heard that Delaney was involved in an accident,” he replied, and glanced at Natasha. She was the one who called him that night for Tyson’s phone number. I bet her husband didn’t know about that phone call , Drake thought to himself.
    Natasha cut her eyes at Drake, and if looks could kill his ass would have been dead on arrival. They were going to have a

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