Indemnity: Book Two: Covenant of Trust Series
Uncle Rita and Aunt Gavin?” Bobbi questioned, as Shannon collapsed in giggles.
    “ I mean Aunt Rita and Uncle Gavin. They’re all here. I just saw 'em.”
    “ We’ll give Brad fifteen more minutes, and then we’ll start without him. Think you can last that long before you faint from hunger?”
    “ Maybe, if I have three more carrots.” Shannon inched the vegetables from the tray. Bobbi winked at her, so she took one extra carrot and skipped back out of the kitchen. Moments later, Bobbi heard Rita’s voice.
    “ Shannon, is Mommy in the kitchen?”
    “ Yep.” Shannon’s answer was muffled by at least one carrot in her mouth, probably two or three.
    “ The roast smells wonderful,” Rita said as she came through the doorway, carrying a casserole dish. “You sure hash brown casserole is okay?”
    “ It’s perfect,” Bobbi said.
    “ I don’t know how you do it.” Rita set the dish on the counter.
    “ Do what?” Bobbi asked. She sliced the roast beef, and carefully arranged it on a serving platter.
    “ Get everything ready so fast.”
    “ I did most of it last night. You’re actually getting a warmed over lunch.”
    “ It’s better than my options at home. Oh, Gavin’s bringing in the pie. That is, provided he makes it past Joel.”
    “ I better come up with a plan B then.” Bobbi rinsed the carving knife, and then dried it on the dishtowel draped across her shoulder. “I’ve been to the grocery store already since Joel got home. Honestly, I don’t believe Brad ever ate like that. Brad’s not here yet, is he?”
    “ No. Ann pulled in right behind us though.”
    “ Shannon said she was here.”
    Rita glanced out in the hallway, and then stepped close to her sister. “So is there any more news?”
    “ Not really. Chuck’s going to file paternity papers Monday.”
    “ What about custody?”
    “ That’s the next thing.”
    “ Do you think that’s wise?”
    “ No, but I don’t have a good argument against it. I was up until about four a.m. Saturday morning going over it and over it, praying, studying, trying to find some kind of answer.”
    “ And that was it?”
    “ I feel like God’s saying, ‘Bobbi, I told you to trust Me. Now, I’m not answering any more questions.’”
    “ How are you and Chuck?”
    “ We’ve had some ... frank exchanges of ideas,” Bobbi said with her eyebrow arched.
    “ Chuck should trust your instincts.”
    “ I’m not sure I trust them.”
    “ Has he considered what’s going to happen when Daddy’s little girl has to share some of that attention? What kind of long term impact is this going to have on Shannon?”
    “ I haven’t even begun to worry about long term effects,” Bobbi said, pulling a pan of hot bread from the oven. “Thanks.”
    “ I’m sorry,” Rita said. “I have more free time than you do, so I worry more. How did the boys take the news?”
    “ They were surprised, but not shocked or outraged. They think I’m completely unhinged for having any kind of worries. Besides, after the affair, what’s an illegitimate child?”
    “ Well, I think it’s a pretty big deal,” Rita said, crossing her arms. “So does Gavin.”
    “ Chuck neglected to mention Gavin disagreed with him.” Was Chuck holding back anything else?
    “ I don’t think Gavin told him.”
    “ See, this is already causing problems,” Bobbi said, shaking her head. “Ann called yesterday afternoon and she’s inclined to pursue a custody arrangement with Jack, but she’s very concerned about Tracy.”
    “ Ann is the only person I know who can take both sides of an argument.”
    “ With Jim and Chuck in the house, I’m sure it was a survival technique.”
    “ Mom! When do we eat?” Brad called from the living room.
    “ As soon as you set the table!” Bobbi called back, and then she turned to Rita. “An hour. It’s taken him a solid hour to get here.”
    “ And you’re surprised?”
    “ I keep hoping, some day, he’ll be on time for

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