Amazon (The Ushers 1)

Free Amazon (The Ushers 1) by Vanessa North

Book: Amazon (The Ushers 1) by Vanessa North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vanessa North
to trust him moving forward, and I’ve extended the protection of parley to him.”
    “You think he needs to meet me to talk about borders and such?” Monica’s voice sounded curious. “Why? You’re perfectly capable of handling this.”
    Bianca sighed. Why indeed? “Because he’s my mate, Mon.”
    “He’s claimed you?” Monica growled her surprise.
    “No, not yet. His Alpha forbade it, and we’re kinda, you know, getting to know each other first. And he’s right here, so let’s not make me go into details just now, okay? We can save the girl talk for later.” She looked up into Jack’s amused eyes.
    “What’s going on at the compound? Anything I should know about?” Bianca turned her back to Mr. Distraction.
    Jack was watching her talk to her Alpha, trying not to say anything but still get her point across. He leaned over and hooked a finger through one of her belt loops, pulling her closer. She shot him a dirty look over her shoulder, but that just made him grin. He leaned over and took the velvety lobe of her ear between his teeth, scissoring them slightly, just enough to make a shiver run down her spine.
    Bianca was trying to focus on what Monica was saying while Jack did delicious things to her ear. She felt need building low in her belly, spiraling into her sex. She bit her lip to hold back the moan that was welling up. With one finger still hooked into the belt loop of her jeans, he wrapped the other hand around her waist, sliding it up slowly over her abdomen to cup one breast, driving her need higher and higher, the knuckles of her hand turning white where she gripped her phone. As he tugged softly at the ruched flesh of her nipple, the sensation sent arrows of heat straight to her core, making her writhe against him. He nipped softly at the curve of her shoulder, taking her skin in his teeth, making her growl with want.
    “Bee. Did you just growl at me?” Monica’s voice came across the line in a shocked snarl.
    “I’m—ah—I’m sorry, Mon. It wasn’t you. I’m a little distracted. I’m so freaking sorry.” She felt a blush of embarrassment creeping up her face. She had never disrespected her Alpha like that before. She felt Jack’s breath tickling behind her ear, and his tongue flicked out to tease her.
    “Well, get it together, Bianca. I need your head in the game. When should we expect you?” Monica’s voice sounded annoyed.
    “Give us a couple of hours. He needs to run an errand, and then there’s the drive out there. We’ll be there shortly, though.”
    “I’m looking forward to meeting this guy, Bee. He’s a fit mate for an Usher?”
    “Yeah. I think he is.” She smiled. “We’ll see you soon.”
    After saying her goodbyes, she turned on Jack and growled.
    “You are such a royal pain in the ass, Jack Murphy! I’m trying to get you an in with my Alpha, and you make me fucking growl while I’m on the phone with her?”
    “Sorry, sweetheart. I couldn’t help myself. You looked good enough to eat,” he whispered, all the play gone out of his voice.
    She was struck again by how handsome he was. A perfectly-chiseled jaw, all masculine and hard…He was breathtaking. His finger was still looped through one of her belt loops. He stroked the other hand down her back to her hips, drawing her close, pressing his hips to hers in a rhythm that left no doubts as to what he was thinking. As he pressed his lips to her throat in a tender kiss, her eyes drifted shut, and she wanted more than anything at that moment to let the connection take over, let biology bind them together.
    They jumped apart at the sound of a third person in the room. Sara. Bianca blushed furiously, smacking Jack’s hands away.
    “I’m sorry, Sara. We got a little carried away.” Jack grinned, tugging Bianca back to his side and wrapping an arm around her waist.
    As annoyed as she was at the way he’d staked his claim so aggressively, she knew that in all practicality, she was his now.

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