True Ghost Stories – an Introduction
It's safe to say that encountering a ghost is probably the main paranormal experience that most people report. It's also the paranormal encounter that excites the most people, and captures our imagination!
These ghostly experiences are not confined to sightings only. It seems ghosts have developed a broad range of rather ingenious ways of contacting us, and these embrace our five senses, our sixth sense, and modern and olden-day technology.
In each of the books in The Supernatural Book Series you'll read first-hand accounts by those who've been touched by the dead, have smelt the presence of a departed loved one, have heard comforting words from beyond the grave, and have received welcome and unwelcomed visitations from the deceased. You'll also read how technology seems to be playing an ever-growing role in this inter-world communication.
The experiences you're about to read have not been hyped to make them sensational! They are written by paranormal experients, and I have only given their accounts a light edit. In my opinion, it is the 'moderate' tone in which almost all of these stories have been written that lends weight to their authenticity and the genuineness of their authors.
To reiterate: I have not altered these accounts to make them more spooky, hair-raising, spine-chilling or blood-curdling. I'm sorry if that disappoints you! These are not the ghost stories of old; the ones we read before bed to keep us up all night or the eerie tales we told around the campfire as the death hour approached. Such stories are wonderful, and they do have a place in the literary world; it's called fiction.
As you read these eyewitness accounts of the paranormal at work in the world, rather than scare you, I hope they'll make you think.
Who are we? What are we? Why are we here? What happens when we die? And, how paranormal is the paranormal, really?
For some, myself included, living with the paranormal is not 'on the edge'. It is our normal way of life!
Two Personal Invitations
First, the stories in The Supernatural Book Series are from completed questionnaires collected by my online paranormal survey. The survey is still open and it's open to all; it's free and I invite you to participate here:
Second, I invite you to join my online community at Psychic Revolution and sign up for regular email updates at
My Dissertation
Over the years I've had many requests from people around the world asking to read my thesis. It's always been my intention to spread the word as widely as I can about my own parapsychological research and that of others in academia; hence this series of books and my website,
If you're interested in reading part of my dissertation, at the back of this book there is an extract, and a link and password that will give you access to the third chapter.
When Katherine is Around the Castle
This castle has hundreds of ghosts, who can be quite fun at time and will even interact with us occasionally. Our favourite ghost, whom few have seen, is a 20-year-old woman called Katherine, who passed over in the 14th century.
One week after she told me her name, via a psychic, she stood next to me in an otherwise empty room for around three minutes, until visitors were heard getting nearer. I know when she is near because of the smell of roses that gets stronger and stronger when she is beside me. This is a wonderful gift from her to me, for my 21st season at the castle.
You Saw a What?
All I can really tell you is that my oldest son and I saw a man with wings! And he saw us too.
I was 40 at the time and my son was 18. The winged man was about half of a city block away. We saw him in an empty parking lot, wandering around and we wondered what he was