Death and the Black Pyramid

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Book: Death and the Black Pyramid by Deryn Lake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deryn Lake
Tags: Mystery
few questions.’
    â€˜You say that you had never met Mr Gorringe before?’
    â€˜Definitely not. In fact I did not see him until we stopped for breakfast at some unearthly hour in the morning.’
    â€˜I see.’ There was another long silence, then Toby said, ‘So is it your belief, Sir, that one of the fellow passengers did away with him?’
    â€˜It certainly looks that way. That would be my instinct.’
    â€˜I think you’re probably right. The man had no friends or relatives in the West Country that I have so far discovered. But if that were the case – that he was murdered by another passenger – it would suggest a certain amount of premeditation.’
    â€˜It occurs to me that they must have discovered which coach he was travelling on – which is practically impossible.’
    Yet again Toby was silent, then he said, ‘Not if someone tipped the killer, or killers, off.’
    â€˜That he was travelling to Exeter on a particular day at a particular time.’
    â€˜Precisely.’ The Constable got to his feet. ‘Well, I must be off, Sir. It has been very pleasant meeting you. Where can I contact you again should I need to speak to you.’
    â€˜At the home of Lady Elizabeth di Lorenzi. You know where that is?’
    â€˜Indeed I do. Well, goodnight, Sir.’
    And so saying Toby tipped his hat and walked out into the early evening.
    As John rode home the sun was lowering in the heavens in a truly dramatic fashion. The sky had turned the colour of dragon’s blood and was drenching the clouds with the same vibrancy. Vivid tinctures coloured the earth and as John trotted forward he found himself looking round with a sense of awe. And then he saw a scarlet ribbon winding its way across the land and for a moment was startled before he realized it was a stream meandering down to join the Exe.
    The Apothecary dismounted and knelt down by the water to drink, leading his horse to do likewise. As he scooped up a handful and drank it down he noticed that the stream was full of bubbles and his mind turned again to some experiments he had been doing on combining gases with water to produce a carbonated effect. Aware that there was another Englishman interested in the same principal, one Joseph Priestley, John determined that this winter he would work on his experiments tirelessly until he had discovered the secret of carbonating water. Refreshed, he remounted and made his way up the steep valley to where the house stood on the summit.
    He was surprised to discover that Elizabeth had not only risen from her sickbed but was waiting impatiently for him in the blue drawing-room.
    â€˜Ah, there you are,’ she said. ‘I am so glad you are back because I have arranged with Lady Thackeray to meet her at the theatre tonight. You have just time to change before we set off.’
    â€˜What about dining?’
    â€˜That will have to be a supper at home after the play, I’m afraid. Are you hungry? Because, if so, I can get some bread and cheese and pie sent up from the kitchen.’
    â€˜No, I can hang on. I had rather a large luncheon with Sir Clovelly Lovell as it happens.’
    â€˜Why am I not surprised by that remark?’
    â€˜Because you are clever,’ said John, and kissed the top of her head as he made his way upstairs.
    Half an hour later and they were stepping into Elizabeth’s finest coach and heading once more for Exeter. Leaning back against the beautifully cushioned interior John was vividly reminded of the minimum of comfort he had received on his journey down, particularly with Fraulein Schmitt moaning and groaning almost without cease. And this set his mind off at a tangent, wondering about the mysterious woman and where she had got to. He had meant to ask the Constable if he had had any luck in tracing her but somehow the conversation hadn’t gone down that path. Yet Tobias Miller was a bright

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