Trying to Survive (The Kiser #1)

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Book: Trying to Survive (The Kiser #1) by Hannah Davenport Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hannah Davenport
someone knocked on the door.   I heard her answer it and then Matt stood
looking down at me.   “My God, you look
like shit!   I almost didn’t recognize
you.   What the hell happened to
you?”   Matt asked as he sat down on the
         “I think I got jumped coming out of a bar.”   I rasped out.
         “The clinic doctor thinks it was a mugging.   They couldn’t find a wallet or any personal
belongings.   Here is his bottle of pain
medicine.”   She handed the bottle to Matt
as we both turned our head to stare at her.   “Sorry, I didn’t know his name so I just made one up.”   The lady said to Matt.   For the first time I noticed her suitcase
packed by the door.   “I have to go, or
I’ll miss my flight.   I’m already late.”   She peered down at me and said, “You need to
be more careful.”   Smiling, she turned
and grabbed her suitcase then headed out the door.
         “Who was that?”   Matt asked as he
watched the door close behind her.
         “I don’t know but I’m sure she’ll call you soon enough and ask for my
         “You’re an asshole, you know that?   You’ve been missing for three days and apparently she’s been taking care
of you and that’s all you can say?”   He
truly looked disgusted.  
          “Wait, what do you mean almost three days?   What day is it?”  
         “January 2 nd .   You
missed everything, bringing in the New Year, the Gala, everything.   I’ve been calling around and searching
everywhere I knew, but you were nowhere to be found.   Now I know why.”  
         “Oh no, I bet mother is pissed.”   Moaning, I covered my eyes with my forearm.
         “I don’t think pissed is the word for it.   That mini me is even worse.   Why would you even agree to go out with her?”
         “I didn’t, remember?   Mother asked
and she jumped on it.”   I sat up now that
I was feeling better.   The room was small
with just the bed, and small sofa, a chair, and a bathroom.   Where had she slept?   I didn’t remember her being in bed with
me.   Surely, she wouldn’t have slept on
that tiny sofa.  
         “You need to get dressed so I can get you home.”   I looked down and noticed I lay here in just
my underwear.   Where were my clothes?   What had she done?   She probably took pictures so she could
blackmail me.   I give her a week to
contact me for money.
         Matt came walking out of the bathroom carrying a bag.   “Man, these are your clothes but there’s no
way you can wear them.”   He said while
peering in to the bag.
         “Why not?”   He pulled my shirt out
and I felt the blood drain from my face.   It was covered with blood, and I didn’t mean a little either.
         “I guess she wasn’t kidding when she said you were almost dead.”   He pulled my pants out and they looked just
as bad as my shirt.   “You stay here, I’m
going to run to the gift shop and get you something to wear.”   Matt said before leaving.
          I needed to use the bathroom
and as I tried to stand, the room spun around and I almost fell.   How had I used the bathroom the last three
days?   My mind repelled any thoughts that
tried to enter and I shivered.   I wasn’t
going to even think of what might have happened.   Holding on to the side of the wall, I slowly
walked to the bathroom and propped against the wall while I relieved
myself.   Exhausted, I slumped down to the
floor and just sat there, and that’s where Matt found me.
         “Dude, what are you doing?”   Matt
asked, finding me on the floor.
          “I had to take a piss.”   I peered up at him, still exhausted.
         “Let’s get you dressed and I’ll have the doctor meet us at your
penthouse.”   Matt spent the next twenty
minutes helping me get dressed and walking me down to his car.   My mind wandered back to the woman who had
cared for me.   How had

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