The Stud Across The Hall
    Tory Mynx
    Copyright 2014 by Tory Mynx
    Smashwords Edition,
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    DISCLAIMER: This story is intended for a mature audience only! Contains
explicit, graphic sex and language. Definitely not intended for
individuals under the age of 18 or those with a weak heart! I
repeat: 18 and over only!!
    AUTHOR’S NOTE: All characters in this work of fiction are 18 years or

    I had just parked my car and was on my way
down the hallway towards my apartment when I saw Scott coming my
way. He had a load of laundry in his hands, blocking his upper body
from view, but his gym shorts showed off his incredible, muscular
    I found myself staring—as I always did
whenever I saw him—at his gorgeous, sharply-lined face with his
seemingly permanent two-day old stubble and dark hair and killer
body. And, as always, he just gave me a wry smile in return.
    But then he seemed to sense something, which
wasn’t a surprise, based on my mood. I was coming off an extremely
shitty first date, even by my standards, which were extremely low
after more than a year of constant relationship
    “ Is everything okay?” Scott
asked, clearly concerned.
    Trying to play it off, I nodded.
    He just laughed. Not in a mean way, but like
he wasn’t fooled. “Don’t give me that crap,” he said. “What’s the
    “ Oh, just guy problems,” I
said, waving my hand, pretending like it was no big
    “ Yeah, pretty much every
one I know is a real asshole,” Scott said.
    “ Tell me about it,” I
    “ Do you want to talk about
it?” he asked.
    “ No,” I said, shaking my
head, even though I really did. I felt like having a few drinks and
just spilling my guts, bitching and complaining about everything. I
just wanted to vent. But I didn’t know Scott well enough to feel
comfortable doing that to him.
    “ Bullshit,” he said.
“You’re a bad liar.”
    I laughed softly and gave
him an aw-shucks shrug. “You’ve got me there.”
    “ I’ll tell you what,” Scott
said. “Take half an hour to get yourself together, and then I’ll
come over. We’ll have a few drinks and you can let off some steam.
Tell me whatever you want. I’m a surprisingly good
    “ I don’t know . . .” I
said, letting it hang out there, just wanting to make sure he
really meant it.
    “ Yes you do,” he said.
“Stop playing so hard to get. You’ll feel better after you vent. I
always do.”
    I gave him a little smile and nodded my
head. “Okay. You win.”
    “ Cool,” he said returning
my smile. “Then I’ll see you in thirty minutes.”
    “ Okay,” I said, staring
into his big blue eyes. He really was a great looking man. Too bad
he was gay.
    Scott turned and started down the hall, only
to stop after a few paces. “Oh, and what kind of wine to you
prefer? Red or white?”
    “ Red all the
    “ Me too,” he said, his
smile growing a little wider as he turned to walked
    Scott arrived precisely on time. He brought
two bottles of wine. Damn good wine, too. One bottle of Napa Valley
Silver Oak and one bottle of Cask 23 from Stag’s Leap.
    The Silver Oak had been breathing for half
an hour, so we dipped into that first.
    “ This is amazing,” I said.
“You sure have good taste in wines.”
    “ It’s a bit of a hobby of
mine,” he said, taking a

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