Fall Into Me (Heart of Stone)

Free Fall Into Me (Heart of Stone) by K.M. Scott

Book: Fall Into Me (Heart of Stone) by K.M. Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.M. Scott
my breath away the first time I touched you, and it's no
different now."
bet it was love at first sight for me, Tristan. Tell me the truth. Was
doubt it. I was with the actresses that night, so you probably thought I was
some Hugh Hefner wannabe."
giggled and sat up straight on me. Her light brown hair fell in gentle waves
around her face and shoulders, making her look like a mermaid or some kind of
angel. "I bet you looked incredible dressed in a suit and looking the way
you always do."
ran my hands over her stomach and caressed the tops of her thighs. She let out
a tiny moan as my thumbs slid over the insides of her legs.
sure I was wearing a suit. I do all the time."
wriggled her ass against my thighs and smiled. "Except now. I like the way
you look now too. I don't think I've ever met a man more perfect than you.
Successful, wealthy, gorgeous, and a body that looks like a Greek god's."
guess all those hours at the gym have paid off. The other stuff really isn't in
my control, though."
fingers slid over my abdomen and up over my chest to my shoulders. "It
isn't a good idea that I adore you so much already, Tristan Stone. No one
should be this crazy about another person."
it's okay since I'm even crazier about you."
leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips. "I better find something
about you I don't like before I become totally lost in you. Hurry up and tell
me one of your bad traits."
were too many to even get into. I knew that. My past. My family. The club I'd
taken her to just that night. But I couldn't tell her about those, and even if
I could, I didn't want to. I had my Nina back and I wasn't going to let her go.
I don't talk much. Some women may think that's a bad trait."
but then you do that strong, silent type sexy guy thing and make even the lack
of talking a good thing."
crossed my hands behind my head and smiled. "I guess I could work on being
a bad man. Any suggestions?"
smile she gave me was so sweet I almost pulled her to me and kissed away
anything she could have said.
think maybe an eye patch could work."
eye patch? That would look great with a suit."
now that's a man I wouldn't be able to say no to. Sort of a pirate meets a
not sure I can pull off pirate. Something about having to say arrrgh all the
time might not work in meetings."
ran her fingertips across my hipbones and grazed the head of my cock. Gliding
her tongue over her lips, she looked down at me and smiled. "It's too bad.
I could definitely be into a pirate."
do love a man who can be persuaded."
of us stopped our joking, and her eyes grew wide at what she'd just said, as if
she'd let something bad slip. I didn't want her saying she loved me if she
didn't mean it. I'd wait as long as it took to have her say those words if it
meant they came from her heart.
rolled off me onto the floor and looked up at the ceiling. "I don't know
if I'm in love with you, but I've never felt like this in my life. Well, I don't
know. Since I was in love with you, maybe I did feel like this." Turning
her head, she smiled at me. "I guess I'm not making much sense, am
propped myself up on my elbow and nodded. I understood what she was trying to
say. "I get it. As long as you're happy, that's enough for me. It's only
been a few days since you came home from the hospital, so maybe this is
hear that thing in your voice, though. I know you wish for more."
knew the thing she was talking about. I wouldn't have been able to hide it even
if I wanted to. A mixture of loss, sadness, and regret, it was in everything I
said to her.
a long wave of her hair around my finger, I forced a smile. "I'm happy,
Nina. You do that for me. No one else has ever made me happy like you do. So
it's not the same as it was. Maybe this time will be even better."
breaks my heart to hear you say things like that.

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