
Free Ambitious by Monica McKayhan

Book: Ambitious by Monica McKayhan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Monica McKayhan
Tags: Young Adult
her,” I told Jasmine.
    “No sweat. I like JB,” she said with a smile, “and he is cute.”
    The two of them—Luz and Jasmine—danced energetically. At first it was as if they were challenging each other to see who moved better. They began to make up routines—separate routines, but both very original. They were both very talented, and confident. I watched and admiredas my two friends displayed their talent in my backyard. Grace, Kristina and I swayed from side to side and clapped our hands to the beat as we looked on.
    When the song ended, I restarted it. “Both of you are great dancers. Now let’s put those moves together and come up with one routine.”
    “That was so hot!” said Grace.
    “Okay, girls.” I grabbed them both by the hand. “From the top.”
    The three of us danced until we had successfully come up with a routine—or at least part of one. Before long, Luz had let her guard down just enough to share some moves with Jasmine, and Jasmine was more than willing to teach us what she knew. Soon we had the makings of a successful dance routine that we could all be proud of.
    “The competition for Dance America will be stiff. We have to be original,” I reminded them.
    “Absolutely,” Jasmine agreed.
    “You guys need a name for your group,” Grace said, and it dawned on me that in less than an hour, Jasmine, Luz and I had officially become a group.
    “Yeah, you can’t audition for Dance America without a name,” said Kristina.
    “They’re right, you know. We do need a name,” I said.
    “Dance Divas,” announced Kristina.
    “No, that’s dumb,” Luz said, shooting it down. “It’s not even original. Everyone calls themselves a diva nowadays.”
    “She’s right,” I agreed, “the word is overused.”
    “How about Premiere Princesses,” Jasmine exclaimed.
    “I don’t attend Premiere,” Luz stated with attitude. “That won’t work.”
    “I got it,” I announced. “We don’t all attend Premiere, but we’re all from Brooklyn. And we’re all beautiful. How about Brooklyn Bellezas!”
    “What’s that mean?” Jasmine asked.
    “Brooklyn beauties!” Grace said and grinned. “I’m loving it!”
    “It’s perfect,” said Kristina.
    “It’s okay,” Luz said.
    “I like it,” Jasmine said and then grabbed her backpack and pulled out a package of cigarettes. “Mind if I smoke?”
    “Not a good idea,” I said. “My mother is right on the other side of that wall. And besides, secondhand smoke is worse than the stuff you’re putting into your own lungs.”
    “You smoke?” asked Grace.
    “Yes,” Jasmine stated.
    “Why?” Kristina asked. She really seemed to want an answer. “You’re so talented. It seems like smoking would damage your lungs and stop you from doing your best at dancing.”
    “It stops me from having a nicotine fit,” Jasmine said with a smile. “I have to get going anyway. It’s getting late.”
    “Can you come back tomorrow after school?” I asked, anxious for us to prepare for auditions.
    “I gotta pick up my brother tomorrow. And I’m not sure when my mother will have another day off.”
    “Can you bring him here after you pick him up?”
    “Now that’s an idea,” Jasmine said. “You sure it’s okay with your folks if I bring him over? He’s a terror.”
    “I’m sure they won’t mind,” I said.
    “Okay, then we’ll come over tomorrow after school,” said Jasmine as she headed toward the gate.
    “Wait a minute and we’ll walk you to the subway station,” I told her. “Let me just tell my mom where I’m going.”
    Grace, Kristina and I walked Jasmine to the subway. Luz stayed behind; claimed she had something to do for her mother. She was jealous of Jasmine. I could tell. But she didn’t have reason to be. The friendship that she and I shared could never be replaced, but she had to know that I would meet new friends. I was attending a new school, with new adventures every day. And I was loving every minute

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