Alien Assassin

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Book: Alien Assassin by T. R. Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. R. Harris
Tags: Military SF
feelings he was experiencing.
    Yet he didn’t experience any such bond when he’d first met Riyad Tarazi. All he’d felt from the beginning was fear and apprehension. Many times Adam had attempted to understand his irrational feelings upon meeting another Human, but the best he could come up with as to why he felt no attachment was the instinctive male-to-male competitiveness and distrust that was part of his very DNA. It had to be a primal territorial thing.
    Of course, at the time he’d met Riyad, he’d only been away from Earth for a couple of days, as far as his perception was concerned. But even by then, he’d already met a whole cadre of various aliens and was fully aware of his situation. Still, he’d felt nothing but distrust for Riyad.
    Yet a female did not bring out that instinctive distrust in him. Instead, it brought out other instinctive urges that were much easier to explain…
    “I’ve heard of this Kroekus character before,” was all Adam said aloud, as the thoughts continued to swirl around in his head.
    “Yeah, he’s some big-wig on Silea. But to make a long story short, he got me out of jail and hired me to perform in more of his games. I was so good at killing that soon I started performing hit jobs for him and some of his friends. We all have to make a living, and alien prostitutes are not in very much demand unless you share the same genetic make-up as your Johns.” She laughed, and it made him feel good that she was letting it all out. Her spirit and personality were refreshing.
    “So you became an assassin?”
    “Yep. It’s really not that hard of work, not out here.”
    “Yeah, I know what you mean.”
    Sherri stopped speaking and stared hard at Adam. Then her eyes began to grow big and bright. “Wait just a damn minute,” she said, pointing a finger at him. “Are you the one that’s been going around blowing up shit and whacking dozens of aliens at a time? The Exterminator , they call him?”
    Adam flashed a big grin. “That’s me,” he said with pride.
    “Well fuck me!” she said loudly. “What are the chances that two stranded Humans would end up in the same profession?”
    “It’s just killing aliens, just like in a video game. And besides, you said it yourself: We all have to make a living!”

    Chapter Seven
    De’ronin Balmor sat in his office in the Nimorian Commerce Department and frowned at the secure message he read on the screen. This was a game-changer. The Overlord was ordering him to pursue a line of inquiry and a timeframe which would not allow him his normal cautious diligence. It would involve him exposing himself to the associates he’d worked with for over twelve standard years. Not only would it destroy any future relationships with them, it would also cost him his job, as well as an unbearable amount of humiliation that he and his family would have to endure.
    Apparently, the new Overlord had thought this through as well. Within his order was the promise of relocation to a world further into The Expansion, as well as a handsome monetary reward.
    After a few minutes of contemplation, De’ronin instructed his computer to create a hard copy of the authorization Giodol had sent with the order. It would allow him full access to all Nimorian records and facilities.
    It would also make a lot of people mad, including his mate. Yet when the Overlord for the Sector called, you jumped, and with no questions asked.

    De’ronin packed his desk and placed the mementos of twelve years of employment in his transport. He would not be returning to his job at the Commerce Department.
    Next, he walked over to Building Five in the Ministry complex. This was where planetary arrivals and departures were registered, including derelict salvages. He didn’t have any experience with salvages, but he knew someone he could ask.
    Caal looked up from his desk when his friend De’ronin entered. “It’s a little early for midmeal,” Caal said, nodding at his

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