Alien Assassin

Free Alien Assassin by T. R. Harris

Book: Alien Assassin by T. R. Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. R. Harris
Tags: Military SF
and relaxed. It was refreshing to hear that the two of them shared the same vocabulary coach—
    “So I attacked one of the guards and kicked the shit out of him,” she continued, not noticing his smile. “I tried to get away but was stopped by five more guards – and the first alien I’d ever seen. Needless to say, I was scared shitless.”
    “What did it look like…the alien?” Adam asked.
    “It was tall and pale, with long white hair. It looked something like that wizard-guy from Lord of the Rings , if you ever saw it.”
    Adam nodded. “I think you saw a Klin.”
    “You’re kidding?” she said, her eyes growing wide. “I thought it was just another stinking alien that the Humans were in bed with. Humm, a Klin in the flesh… Well, needless to say, the other Humans didn’t like the idea that a girl could beat up one of their buddies, so they did a real number on me, and I ended up in a hospital bed. That actually saved my life.”
    “How so?”
    “When I woke up, there was no one else in the room and I wasn’t even restrained. So I took off out of there. I was still in shock about seeing the alien. In fact, at that time, I thought I was hallucinating.
    “Anyway, after awhile, I made it to a loading dock in a large warehouse and climbed into a crate full of green containers. It was tight as hell, but at least I felt safe. Then someone came and loaded the crate onto a spaceship, even though at the time, I still thought I was on Earth, so it was a truck I thought I was on.
    “After several hours, I’d pissed myself – is this too graphic for you?” she asked.
    “Nah, go ahead. This is fascinating.”
    “So I climbed out of the crate and made my way into a series of metal hallways. That’s when I encountered the ship’s crew for the first time. There were eight of them, all aliens, mainly Sileans I found out later. Well, needless to say, they didn’t take too kindly to me being on their ship uninvited.” Then she winked at Adam. “You know we Humans can be pretty bad-ass when we want to be?”
    Adam nodded. “I’ve noticed. It’s really comes in handy being out here with these aliens. Riyad said we were the Supermen – eh, super-people – in this part of the galaxy.”
    “He’s right. And knock off the politically-correct bullshit. I’m just your average little southern republican woman. I don’t get all twisted up over the way things are said. It’s the meaning that counts to me.
    “But continuing: I spent a day or so killing off all except one of the crewmembers. It was mainly self-defense, but I was also pretty pissed off at the time. I’d come to the conclusion that I was not in Kansas anymore, and that my whole life had been high-jacked. I took it out on any fucking alien I could find.
    “But this one slippery little bitch was able to lock me in a metal-lined storage locker until she was able to get her ship to Silea. Once there, I was in for the shock of my life – as I’m sure you’ve been through as well. There was nothing but aliens everywhere . Big ones, small ones, smelly ones and things that would make you puke just to look at them. I was arrested and placed in a prison cell for awhile, maybe about two months, as best as I could guess. If the day-night cycle on Silea is close to Earth’s, then it was about two months.
    “Then one day, a fat, pimply Silean named Kroekus came and put me in some gladiator-type fight with another female thing with six breasts. I know now she was a Malforian. It wasn’t much of a fight. I whipped her in about a minute flat.”
    Sherri was growing more at ease with her story and Adam reasoned this was the first time she’d ever been able to tell it to someone who could actually relate. As she spoke, Adam felt a real bond developing between them that even went beyond that fact that they were both Human. Yes, she was a woman, and they had just had incredible sex – multiple times. Of course, that could have had something to do with the

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