Rescued Hearts (Hero Series)

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Book: Rescued Hearts (Hero Series) by Gina Austin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina Austin
his head.
    “She’s cleared Lou. Let her in.”
    “Copy that.” Officer Lou replied. “OK Suzie, your in. Report straight to Captain Miller.” Officer Lou pointed to where Captain Miller was standing.
    “Thanks Lou. You’re the best!” Susan said
    “Now if only I can get my wife to believe that.” Officer Lou said jokingly.
    Susan smiled back at him as she walked away. As she approached Captain Miller, she asked James if his camera was ready. He nodded yes. With her microphone in hand, she got the go ahead from the captain to start filming. Susan received a quick rundown from Captain Miller on the situation and what the rescue attempt plan was to get the window washers down. After capturing the brief update on video the captain informed her and James to stay in this area to film the rescue.
    “I see Nick is back on duty Captain.” Susan said.
    He was meant to be here today. He’s the best rappeller I have. I’m heading to the roof so have your camera ready. Those 2 washers will be down before you know it.” Captain Miller said.
    Susan was glad to be here to capture this moment and to get an exclusive with the captain but she was happier to know that Nick was doing what he loved most and she was here to be a part of it all and see him live. Susan called her assignment editor Margaret and informed her of what was currently happening. Margaret placed Susan on hold as she called the news room. A couple of minutes later Margaret informed her that she would going live in 7 minutes and to make sure James is ready. Susan’s heart skipped a beat as she realized this was the moment she had been waiting for.
    James signaled Susan with his fingers 3, 2, 1 and pointed for Susan to begin her live report.
    While reporting the same information Captain Miller mentioned earlier, she overheard someone in the background state that they were starting to come down. Susan glanced up towards the tower, reporting on the two firefighting rappellers as they begin to lower themselves to the dangling helpless window washers. Even though Susan was in awe of Nick, she couldn’t help but notice some concern creeping into her thoughts. Knowing that he had been doing this for 10 years didn’t stop her from thinking, do be careful . Looking back at James after hearing him call her, he signals Susan that they are back on the air in 10 seconds. Continuing with her live report, she informs News 7 viewers that both window washers are connected to the rappelling rescuers and would be down shortly. Hearing the street onlookers break into thunderous applause as the two window washers are almost at street level with EMS techs waiting nearby. Chicago’s bravest have come to the rescue once again.

Chapter 18
    Back at the firehouse, the captain prepares to make a toast while the ladder company enjoys a meal together. “Here’s to another successful rescue and everyone coming back to the fire house safe and unharmed.”
    Alex adds, “Also want to personally welcome Nick back, I missed your lasagna.” Everyone around the table sharing in laughter.
    Nick picks up his plate to take it to the kitchen with Susan doing the same. “So I hear you’ve been helping out down at the soup kitchen.” Nick said.
    “I found it very refreshing to help. Helps me forget about my own problems.” Susan said.
    “Susan Taylor, the expert in helping people out, has problems? I have trouble believing that one.” Nick teased.
    “Oh, I’ve got problems like any other person and I’m no expert at helping.” Susan replied grinning.
    “I don’t know how you can say that because you’ve certainly helped me plenty.”
    “I have?”
    Captivated by Susan’s hazel eyes, Nick softly said “Yes. You reminded me what it was like to laugh and be happy not just for yesterday or tomorrow but for today; for right now. ” Susan smiled and felt a sense of shyness as her cheeks turned

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