Rescued Hearts (Hero Series)

Free Rescued Hearts (Hero Series) by Gina Austin

Book: Rescued Hearts (Hero Series) by Gina Austin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina Austin
up! Here’s the situation. Two window washers are dangling by their safety lines after losing their scaffold. One’s on the 15 th floor, the other on the 12 th . Truck ladder won’t extend that high so we’ll rappel down from the roof, grab them and rappel back down with them to street level. Since this is a glass tower and we can’t open windows to pull those guys in, Troy I want you to go to the 15 th floor, find the office where that window washer’s in front of and write him a note telling him what we’re doing, tape it to the window so he can read it, make sure he understands and stay with him until we get him down. Mike, I want you to go with Troy and do the same for the other window washer on the 12 th floor. Everyone understand their instructions?”
    “Yes, sir” The team yelled.
    “Grab the gear we need and head to the rooftop. Let’s go!”
    Captain Miller thought, “Nicks my best rappeller. Good thing he came by today.”
    On the rooftop, Captain Miller tells his men, “Let’s make these two beams the anchor right over here. When that’s done, I want that shackle right behind where I’m standing this very moment. Let’s get it done people.”
    Orders are followed out as the captain instructs. Nick and Alex will be rappelling down together.  Both are hooked up to the cable lines. “Are you both secure?” the captain asks.
    “Yes sir.”
    “Get it done gentlemen.” The captain said.
    Both Nick and Alex lean back into their harness’s and begin to descend down floor by floor from the 30 story building. Once Nick reaches the 14 th floor, he yells at the dangling man on the 12 th floor, “You’re doing great. Just a little more and I’ll be right there.” Having arrived at the man’s side, Nick grabs the safety harness of the window washer and clips onto his safety harness on both sides.
    “Ok sir, just lean back onto me and we are going down slowly.” They continue their descent and Nick knows he’s getting close to street level because he hears clapping and cheering from the street onlookers. Alex is descending with the other window washer and looking good. Nick arrives at street level, unhooks the window washer from his harness who turns around to hug Nick thanking him. EMS techs are standing by with gurney’s to check the two gentlemen. Nick and Alex give each other high five’s on another successful rescue, unknowing that Susan was reporting live and capturing the rescue on video.

Chapter 17
    After hearing the situation of the dangling window washers on the news station scanner, Susan hurried out of the office immediately with James, her camera guy, to capture the breaking story. Jumping into the News 7 Van, they headed over to the scene on the north side of town.
    When they arrived on the scene they were the third news station van to arrive on the scene. Police barricades had already been setup across the street but she needed to get closer to cover the story. Susan saw that Captain Miller was on the scene and he was talking to his men. It appeared that Nick was also back on duty. I’m happy for you Nick she thought as she made her way to the police barricade. Seeing a police officer she was familiar with she asked, “Hey Lou, good to see you again.”
    “Heya Suzie. I’m sorry but I can’t let you near this one. Fire department’s calling the shots on this one today.” Officer Lou said.
    “I understand Lou but if you can just check in with Captain Miller, I’ve already gotten clearance from him.”
    “Hold on Suzie.” Officer Lou got on his radio and spoke to a fellow officer standing near Captain Miller.
    “Heya Shea, Lou here, come in?”
    “Yeah Lou?” Officer Shea responded.
    “Ask the fire captain if it’s OK to let Miss Suzie Taylor in?” Officer Lou asked.
    “One moment.” Officer Shea said. Susan could see that Officer Shea was talking to Captain Miller who nodded

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