Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1)

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Book: Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1) by Kora Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kora Knight
take him up on that. Not that he ever would. Because, honestly, no matter how the dice rolled, their parts just weren’t compatible. Miros was too big. Straight-up. End of. Simple unfortunate fact. Which in itself made Alec feel kind of queasy. Because with his team unable to find release alone, and Gesh’s pack too large to do the job, how in the hell were they going to get fixed?
    His mind churned anxiously. Ugh. He needed to stop thinking.
    Raw, potent pleasure blazed through his junk and shimmied into his sensitized ass. Alec hissed and looked down, finding that yet again he’d been feverishly stroking his crotch.
    Zaden turned at the sound, then frowned dejectedly. “I can’t take this much longer, Alec.” He shook his head. “I’m seriously gonna lose my mind.”
    Alec winced as he ground his palm down his length. “I know. It’s getting worse. Everything below the belt…” He groaned and forced his hand away. “I can’t even think straight anymore.”
    “Yeah,” Zaden muttered, eyes locking on something ahead. “Got one thing on the brain and not much else. I feel like a sex-deranged whore.”
    Alec followed Z’s gaze to exactly what he’d suspected. Or more specifically, who . Naydo. The male striding casually beside the trio and two other Kríe who looked like twins. Identical twins, down to their piercings. They were a bit smaller, though, and appeared younger, too. Made Alec wonder how old any of them were.
    Naydo glanced over his shoulder and met Zaden’s gaze. Z held it, but eventually looked away.
    Alec regarded the two, then figured it was time to finally broach the question.
    Wincing a second time as that damn rope grazed his nuts, he turned and looked at his friend. “So, uh, Z…  I’ve been meaning to ask you something… about back when we were wading in that river…” No point in spelling out the awkward any further. Zaden would know exactly what he was asking.
    Z flicked him a wary glance. Released a heavy sigh. “You wanna know what the fuck I was thinking.”
    Alec shrugged. “Or what’s going on.”
    Zaden shook his head. “I… I have no idea. I mean, one minute I was floating in my own little bubble, just letting all that cool water soothe me. God, it felt good. How it eased the burn.”
    Alec nodded. Their respite had been way too fleeting.
    “And then I was like, maybe if I tried again, with all this cool water helping out. Maybe I’d actually be able to do it. Get myself to finally come.” His jaw ticked. “Needed to come so damn bad.”
    Alec scowled. “You say that in past frickin’ tense. I need to come so damn bad now .”
    Zaden chuckled darkly, but his smile quickly faded. “So I got to stroking, and suddenly my little bubble consumed everything around me. I couldn’t hear you guys. Couldn’t see you. Forgot you were even there. All I knew, all my body was comprehending, was my urgent attempt to find release.” He shuddered, then immediately shuddered again. “And then all of a sudden, this powerful, sensual presence infiltrated my little bubble. But the presence felt good. I liked it. A lot. Kinda felt like it was aiding my cause. And the sensations got stronger, and the pressure kept building, and then suddenly that presence was everywhere.” Wincing, he restlessly rubbed at his bulge. “And then, it wasn’t just moving all around me, but sliding inside of me, too. Ah God, Alec,” he groaned. “Felt so fucking good. Can’t even begin to explain.”
    Alec squeezed his fly, the vivid scene replaying in his head. “So… even then… you still didn’t realize?”
    A flush climbed up Z’s neck to his cheeks. “I think part of me knew, but didn’t care. Just wanted to keep on going. But then, out of nowhere, shit turned excruciating ...”
    “I think Naydo knew and was going to try and help. Shit, I think he was going to fuck you right there.”
    Zaden shot him an almost sheepish look. “I know. And I would’ve let him.”
    Alec cringed.

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