Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1)

Free Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1) by Kora Knight

Book: Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1) by Kora Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kora Knight
jazzed, as across the way, Gesh and company smirked. Alec frowned at their expressions, but was quickly distracted when Chet scrambled up and sat on Roni’s body. Muscular thighs straddling the huge Kríe’s lean waist, Chet hauled back and clocked him in the face.
    Roni stilled, then slowly grinned wicked wide. As if the pain Chet just inflicted turned him on. Chet snarled, cocked his elbow, and threw another punch. But this time Roni deflected Chet’s fist with his forearm and nailed Chet with a “snake strike” to his sternum.
    Chet grunted, then grimaced and wheezed for breath. But that brief pause would be the beginning of the end. Roni’s big hand slammed the side of his face, sending him sprawling to the ground. And just like that, Roni was on top of Chet, pinning him flat on his back. Noses nearly touching, the Kríe bared his fangs. “Tah, Chet.” Yes. “Your anger excites me.”
    Chet cursed and tried to shove him off, but his efforts were hopelessly futile. Roni outweighed him by a good hundred pounds. Adding insult to injury, the Kríe reached between their bodies and cupped Chet’s tender nuts. Chet gasped. Alec cringed, knowing that couldn’t feel good. Didn’t matter that Roni wasn’t even squeezing.
    Roni chuckled and grazed his fangs down Chet’s throat. Chet froze, then thrashed harder to get away. To Alec’s surprise, Roni actually let him go. Well, sort of. The second he lifted up and Chet rolled out from under him, Roni shoved him back to the ground on his chest. And this time he didn’t let Chet off the hook so easy. Grabbing his wrist, Roni twisted Chet’s arm and pinned the thing painfully against Chet’s spine.
    “Ah!” Chet howled. “Goddamn it! Aw, fuck!”
    Roni grinned and settled his body atop Chet’s, then ground his dick against Chet’s ass. A dick that was undoubtedly rock hard. “Do you yield?” he murmured, lips brushing Chet’s ear.
    Features tight, Chet panted. “No way.”
    Roni rumbled happily and licked Chet’s neck. “Good. I am so very glad to hear it.”
    Using his own knees to spread Chet’s wider, Roni wedged his cock even deeper between Chet’s cheeks. Evidently his fun wouldn’t be deterred by Chet’s shorts. Chet cursed. Then stifled a needy moan.
    Roni grinned and nuzzled the side of his neck. “You want my cock.”
    Chet coughed. “In your purple fucking dreams.”
    “Oh, no,” Roni chuckled. “Not in my dreams. In your tight little warrior ass.”
    “Fuck you,” Chet bit out.
    “I would rather fuck you.” Roni rocked his hips, slow and steady. “I think you would rather that, too.”
    Another restless moan escaped Chet’s lips as his eyes rolled back into his head. Roni nuzzled him again, then nudged Chet’s wrist higher.
    Chet’s eyes flew back open. “Ah, shit! Motherfuck!”
    “Do you yield?” Roni repeated, biting Chet’s ear.
    Chet’s brows pinched furiously, his mind clearly at odds. “No,” he grated. “I don’t fucking yield.”
    Again, Roni chuckled. “Very well, when you are ready. But you will have to say the word. I will not be asking again.”
    “Yeah?” Chet rasped. “And why is that?”
    “Because,” Roni purred. “From here on out my mouth will be very busy.”
    And that was the only heads up that Chet got.
    Roni sank his sharp fangs between Chet’s shoulder and neck.
    Chet gasped, eyes wide, every muscle going stiff. That is, until Roni started to suck. Once he did, holy freaking hell. Chet’s hips started thrusting like mad.
    “Fuck!” he panted. “Aw, shit! Aw, fuck!”
    Seemed Roni’s fangs were some potent little bastards. Chet fisted and clawed at the damp, lush ground as his eyes kept rolling back in his head.
    Alec swapped uneasy looks with Zaden. Roni said he wouldn’t kill him, and Chet’s predicament didn’t look fatal. But what if Roni was sucking him dry or something, while everyone just stood around watching? No fucking way would Alec let that happen. Whether the stubborn

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