The Sheikh Bear

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Book: The Sheikh Bear by Ashley Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Hunter
until one of the bears slammed into the other, forcing the animal on its back. Its jaw was instantly on the other’s neck, aiming to kill. The smallest bear tackled the big bear away, and the two spun and tumbled over the earth.
    The other bear turned, letting out pained grunts, one of its legs was bleeding, dragging dark trails of crimson. Elle remembered how Malik had been biting in that same arm, and gasped when she saw the bear stumble.
    The small bear must be Priya.
    Finally gathering her bearings, Elle tried to figure out what to do, but she could only sit back and watch as the bears battled it out.
    It seemed to go on for forever until the smaller bear was suddenly thrown against a tree. A sharp whine escaped through its throat and the sound revived the bear that Elle knew to be her Malik.
    It whirled and attacked the opposing beast that towered over Priya’s still body. Elle felt a gasp lodge in her throat.
    Priya… no…!
    Hurrying, Elle ran around the zone of battle, hoping to reach the small bear. When she arrived, Priya’s body had already shifted back to its familiar petite and very human form.
    Haggard breaths escaped the woman’s body and Elle was happy at least to note she was still alive, but wounded. Gingerly, Elle grabbed the woman’s body, pulling her from the battle with some effort. Priya may have been small, but she wasn’t very light. Falling to her knees, Elle pulled the woman close against her chest, her eyes jumping toward the battle.
    One of the bears made a last tackle, throwing the other against the cabin walls. The wood split with a mighty crack.
    The bear let out a last snarl, pushing itself back up to its paws amongst the rubble. It began to scramble away, but was stopped when the roof of the cabin shuddered and snapped, caving over the bear’s head and swallowing it whole.
    Elle let out a cry, hoping that that hadn’t been her Malik. The lone bear watched the cabin collapse, haggard breaths escaping it as the last of the rubble settled into silence.
    Darkness found its way around them once more and when Elle’s eyes adjusted, she could see the bear begin to shift and groan.
    The large figure dwindled back into a familiar body, yet Elle dared not make a move, gripping to Priya’s unconscious frame tightly.
    Finally, she saw dark liquid drip from his arm into the earth, and the sight alone made her gasp out in relief, before she was shouting.
    “Zayn!” She called, and she saw him turn around.
    “Elle…?” He called back, before he stumbled and fell.
    Elle cried out when he fell over the earth. Placing Priya back over the ground, Elle hurried toward where Malik had fallen.
    She reached around him, tried to help him stand from his knees.
    “Are you hurt? How bad is it?” Elle asked, her hands shaking as she searched his body for more wounds.
    “I’ll…I’ll be alright,” Malik said gently, before looking up at her.
    “Are you alright? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
    Elle shook her head.
    “I’m fine. But we need to get you out of here.”
    “Where’s Priya?” Malik asked, suddenly sounding desperate to find the other woman.
    “I’m alive,” Elle heard and when they turned around, Priya was standing just feet away, holding a hand to her ribs.
    “She’s right, Zayn… we need to go.”
    “Right.” Malik said, before turning his attention back in the direction of the fallen cabin.
    “Kamal…” Priya spoke, voice sounding small. “Is he…?”
    Malik turned away, pushing himself up to his feet with the help of Elle.
    When he spoke, his voice was small and pain filled. “Let’s go home.”
    The walk toward the car was strenuous as both Priya and Malik were injured, and despite Elle’s insistence, Priya took the wheel and drove them far away from the cabin.
    The drive back was silent and heavy and for that entire time Elle could only stare out the window at the sky above before the gentle hum of the engine lulled her to an uneasy sleep.


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