The Sheikh Bear

Free The Sheikh Bear by Ashley Hunter

Book: The Sheikh Bear by Ashley Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Hunter
began to reach for something—anything—to get him off.
    To her immense relief, she found the slim handle of an iron poker, and without another thought Elle swung it hard against Malik’s head. It collided roughly, and he broke away with a shout.
    She was on her feet just a moment later, swinging the poker wildly at this man even as she tried to hold back sobs of fear and torment.
    “Stay away from me!”
    “You stupid bitch!” Malik snarled, lunging for her.
    Elle swung the poker again, the tip slashing against Malik’s cheek and ripping a dark wound down his face. He let out another shout, sounding wild in his anger.
    “I will show you what happens when you disobey me!”
    Suddenly, his body doubled over, and Elle gasped. Muscles rippled and expanded, his body becoming large and immense. The change made Elle stare in horror, watching in shock as the man—now beast—writhed, face elongating into a snout with fangs and long tongue. Elle let out a high pitched scream when the creature faced her with violent eyes.
    “You will never escape!”
    It spoke, rough and animalistic and Elle felt her body backpedal for her life.
    “ Malik, no!! ” Elle shrieked.
    The door behind her slammed open. Elle whirled around, eyes wide when she saw a far too familiar face.
    Malik stood at the doorway, gasping and staring at her with wild concern. Mind spinning, Elle nearly collapsed.
    Malik…? What?
    “Elle, get away from him!” Malik shouted, rushing further inside the cabin toward her. Elle lifted her hands, not wanting him to approach her.
    Instead, Elle darted toward the farthest wall, wanting to avoid both this beast and the man whose face she had believed had transformed.
    The beast let out a low rumble, like a laugh before shifting down to its four paws. A bear… Elle thought vacantly as she stared in shock, body shaking in fright.
    “Well, now, it’s been a while, brother.” The beast spoke, deep guttural sounds that made each word grating to her ears.
    Malik stood before the Bear, holding his ground and glaring hatefully into the beast’s eyes.
    “Kamal,” Malik spat.
    “How dare you attempt to take Elle from me?”
    “An eye for an eye, is that not what we’ve learned?”
    The bear replied, taking several long strides around the cabin, never breaking the stare down with the man.
    Elle watched the exchange with growing confusion, unsure how to handle this chain of events.
    “You’ve taken everything I ever wanted. Now I take the woman you now desire. Is that not fair?”
    “No one’s taken anything from anyone,” Malik replied icily.
    “As the eldest, the inheritance is rightfully mine.”
    “LIAR!” The bear roared. Elle slapped her hands to her ears, sinking against the wall to avoid being seen. “
    You told me you never wanted the empire! You promised me that I would be the one to take your place as heir!”
    Malik was unperturbed.
    “Things change, Kamal. I stopped running away years ago. It’s time you end this idiot crusade of yours and return home.”
    “And then what?” The Bear let out another laugh, vicious and awful.
    “To await banishment? We both know father has been searching for an excuse to rid himself of his youngest son. Too much of an embarrassment to the empire, too much of a burden.”
    Malik’s expression changed to a pained look, “You know that is not true. Father loves you, Kamal.”
    “Hilarious to hear that from the favorite!” The animal roared.
    “Never has he been able to tell us apart, until now! But now that I have my chance, I can get rid of you and gain everything you have. Luck is on my side tonight, brother.”
    And suddenly, the bear lunged toward Malik, pouncing with such force that they both tumbled out and through the door. The wood splintered hard from the collision.
    Elle let out another shriek, watching wildly as man and bear began to wrestle.
    Running outside, she watched as the bear tried to bite down on Malik’s neck. Instead, the

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