Seeing Red (The Dark Love Series)

Free Seeing Red (The Dark Love Series) by Olivia Howe

Book: Seeing Red (The Dark Love Series) by Olivia Howe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Howe
person I am.
                  I walk past Andrew like he doesn't exist. I make my way over to Ora. She looks at me confused and raises one eyebrow. I draw back my fist and throw my whole body into the punch. My fist connects to her face. I immediately feel the throbbing pain in my hand. Ora steps back and puts her hand to her face.
                  Andrew is at my side in an instant. Ora tries to attack me, but Andrew pushes her all the way across the room. Ora's eyes turn completely black and her fangs pop out. She tries to attack me again, but Andrew's catches her in mid-air and throws her to the ground. “No!” he yells.
                  I just attacked a vampire. I should be scared, but I'm not. I'm angry. I'm so angry that I feel my body getting hotter. If only I was a vampire, I would ruin her right now. The reason why I am so mad is obvious. She not only tried to take away the love of my life, but she tried to take away my happiness. No one should try to take away the happiness I feel. I will not be severely depressed again. I can't.
                  I feel my teeth clenching together. My breathing becomes heavier and heavier.
                  Andrew calms Ora down and I still continue to glare at her. My eyes don't leave hers. “Ora, you need to leave. Take a walk. Now!” Andrew yells.
                  “You're lucky, healer!” Ora shouts and runs out of the room.
                  “What the hell were you thinking? She could have killed you, Nina!” Andrew shouts.
                  “She was just trying to seduce you. She was trying to take away the love of my life and my happiness. Don't even try to stick up for her! You were kissing her! Your lips were on hers! I saw it, Andrew!” I shout back at him.
                  “She was trying to seduce me. She was trying to kiss me, but I was telling her no. I was pushing her away. I'm so sorry, Nina. I didn't think she would pull this shit!”
                  “Well, she did. I told you I didn't like her. I told you I didn't want her here. You knew how I felt about her!”
                  “I'm so sorry, my love. It will never happen again because she is not allowed in this house!”
                  I shake my head and turn around. I start walking toward the front door. I want to leave. I need to leave right now.
                  “Where are you going?” Andrew asks. I ignore his question and continue to walk. “Nina!” Andrew yells.
                  “I'm going home and I want to be left alone!” I yell back. “Just leave me alone!”
    Chapter 11
    Out of Control
    Dear Diary,
                  What happened yesterday? Did I really perceive that bitch trying to seduce my love? Why didn't I stake her?
                  Happiness, where are you? I wish I could just find you, along with peace. Where do you both hide from me? Why won't you show yourselves, and help me? I beg for you to find me. I want peace in my life, and I want happiness. Why do I always have to repeat myself? Why can't you just save me? Save me from this violent world I live in.
                  My emotions are so out of whack right now. I don't know if I should feel sad or angry. I don't know if I should cry or start hitting the wall. I want to take a razor blade and slice my leg. I want to take this unknown feeling away. I can't relapse. I can't. I just don't want to feel these emotions.
    Love, Nina
    * * * *
    My cell phone starts to ring, bringing me back to reality. I glance at the name, and it's Kali. Can she sense my emotional problems building up? I'm expecting to answer the phone and hear her ask me what's wrong. Kali always finds out everything, somehow.
                  “Hello,” I

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