Return to Gray Harbor

Free Return to Gray Harbor by J.J. Bryant

Book: Return to Gray Harbor by J.J. Bryant Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.J. Bryant
bartenders and waitresses in New York, it was always the same: aspiring actress or model. He wanted more than a woman who was a bartender. Not to sound like a jerk but he couldn’t get serious about someone who wasn’t living their dream, no matter what it was. He wanted something more, he wanted a woman who was passionate, who loved what she did, and who was as focused as he had been. Then again, he was only going to be here for another couple of weeks.
    Oh, hell, Beth probably got hit on all the time by creepy guys who came into the bar. Bartender or not, he didn’t want to seem like a pig, especially with their history. Nothing had really happened other than a few frantic kisses, but  much more could have. He would forget the advances he wished he could make for now. He took another long swig of his beer as his oysters came out. Beth placed the plate in front of him and asked if he’d like another beer, to which he nodded amiably. When she came back with his beer, he had already had one of the oysters.
    “Wow, these are great. If the rest of the food is like this, you’ll be seeing a lot more of me while I am here.”
    He smiled and had another sip of his beer.
    “Glad you like it.” She should have ended it there but she just had to know, she loved hearing what people thought of her food.
    “What’s your favorite part?” She leaned in and asked.
    He wanted to respond with, “all of you” as she leaned over the bar. Thank God she was behind the bar, otherwise she might know that all of her parts were his favorite and that he was having a very strong physical reaction to her. Instead, he tried to respond with a more respectable answer and secretly hoped she was asking a less respectable question in her own mind about him.
    “I love the spinach fraîche but my favorite part is the potato crust. That hint of truffle, although subtle, is amazing. It really makes it upscale but not in the way that I feel silly ordering it at a bar, or rather, a tavern, if that makes sense. I feel like although these are special, I would love to taste it every day and wouldn’t feel bad about it.”
    She got a little lost in his explanation, but it was exactly what she intended when she created it. She was unable to speak and realized she had been ignoring the other gentleman at the bar far too long. She just smiled, nodded, and headed over to the other end of the bar.
    Wow, Michael thought. Beth Adams. At least there was one positive that had come from this terrible evening. Of course, he could never get involved with her, even if she was interested. His life was in New York and they had too much tragedy in their shared history, anyway. He began to work on his second beer and got lost in the game on the television. She came back with his steak and then eventually, as the other gentleman left the bar, she took a seat and began writing. He continued to watch the television and sip his beer.
    He had to go home eventually, he just didn’t want to. Home, he thought, where was home now? Maine never felt right before, New York didn’t feel right now. What was he going to do with his life — hell, what was he going to do tomorrow? Maybe he should just leave and go back to New York now and face the music there. Hell, if he didn’t figure something out soon, he might be bartending himself in a few months’ time … or even sooner.
    Beth was seated on the other end of the bar and looked over at Michael. Wow, he was certainly attractive. And there was still something soft about him, He had those sensitive eyes. He just always looked so understanding. She stopped herself. What was she thinking? He really didn’t seem to be flirting anymore —which she hated to admit was a little disappointing. It had been a long time since Beth had a fling, let alone a relationship. Not really since she moved back here. Her brother Bob kept telling her to be more adventurous ... but that just wasn’t her. And what was it about this man?  They had a

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