Truth Or Dare

Free Truth Or Dare by Lori Foster

Book: Truth Or Dare by Lori Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Foster
making him grin like the village idiot, and she looked beautiful, melting his heart.
he thought with a surge of possessiveness that took him by surprise. Asia Michaels was his, in every sense of the word.
    As gently as possible, he disengaged their bodies and removed the condom. He doubted she’d even noticed when he’d rolled it on, she’d been so spent. Smiling, he located the sheet at the foot of the bed. Asia stirred, rolling to her side and curling up tight from the chill of the air.
    The lights were still on and he could see the fading imprint of his hand on her soft bottom. He closed his eyes, wanting to groan but not wanting to awaken her. What an ass he’d been.
    Tomorrow they’d talk more, he’d tell her how he felt and give her the bracelet, and with any luck at all, she’d understand.
    He reached over and flipped off the lights. She turned toward him, snuggled close, and resumed snoring.
    Oh, yeah, she was his all right. Now he just had to let her know that.

Chapter Six
    Asia stirred, smiling even before her eyes were open, and feeling good—achy but good—all the way down to her toes. Cameron O’Reilly. Wow. The man really knew how to make love.
    She rolled to her side and reached for him, but found only cold sheets. Jerking up in an instant, she looked around, but he was gone. Her discarded clothes from the night before were now neatly folded over a chair, waiting, it seemed, for her to get dressed.
    The blankets, which had been irreparably tossed during their lovemaking, were now straightened and smoothed over her, keeping her warm.
    She looked out the wide window and saw snow and more snow, and a sun so bright it hurt her eyes.
    She groaned. It was two days till Christmas Eve. Of course, the man had things to do, yet she’d slept in. In his bed. Inconveniencing him.
    Humiliation rolled over her. Some independent broad she turned out to be. She’d spent the nightwhen she hadn’t even been invited. What must he think? Was he wondering how to get rid of her?
    She’d just shoved the covers aside and slipped one naked leg off of the bed, shivering at the touch of cool air on her bare skin, when Cameron opened the door. He paused, standing there in nothing more than unsnapped jeans and a healthy beard shadow. His blue eyes were sharp and watchful.
    As if shaking himself, he continued into the room and said, “Good morning.”
    Asia didn’t want to meet his gaze, but she refused to be a coward. Attempting a smile, she said, “Give me a minute to get dressed and I’ll get out of your way.”
    Strange after the night of incredible, uninhibited sex, but she suddenly felt naked. Cameron didn’t help, staring at her with blatant sexual interest. She could use the sheet from the bed, but again, that seemed cowardly. She had no modesty left, not with this man.
    “I’m cooking breakfast,” he said. “I was hoping you’d stay and eat with me.”
    She held her dress in her hands. It was tangled, the sleeves inside out, and wrinkled almost beyond repair. She stared at it stupidly, not even sure where to start.
    Cameron pushed away from the dresser and took the dress, tossing it aside. He retrieved a flannel robe from his closet and held it out to her.
    Not seeing too many options, especially since her brain refused to function in any normal capacity, Asia slipped her arms into the robe. Cameron wrapped it around her, tied the belt and rolled up the sleeves.
    “It makes me hot,” he said, “to see you in my things.”
    Asia stared at him. Her mouth opened, but nothing came out.
    “Almost as hot,” he continued when she stayed mute, “as it made me to wake up this morning with you in my bed, warm and soft.” He touched her cheek. “I could wake up like this a lot, Asia.”
    Thrown for an emotional loop, she started to turn away, but Cameron caught her arm and led her out of the room. “I’m fixing bacon and I don’t want it to burn.”
    His apartment was slightly smaller than hers, with a

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