A Taste of Temptation (Love Spectrum Romance)

Free A Taste of Temptation (Love Spectrum Romance) by Reneé Alexis

Book: A Taste of Temptation (Love Spectrum Romance) by Reneé Alexis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Reneé Alexis
there, Tim. Eric wouldn’t do that.”
    “You’re right. Enjoy the rest of your evening, and I’ll see you in class Tuesday.”
    Moments later, Brandi walked back into the restaurant alone. She walked to Tim’s table and slid into the booth.
    Tim knew what the deal was. “He’s gone, isn’t he?”
    “You were right. I may need that ride after all. I can call my father if it’s a problem, though.”
    “It’s not a problem, Brandi.”
    She watched as he ate, stuffing everything the way most men do. Still, he managed to look incredibly sexy.
    It was as though he read her thoughts, and he deliberately wanted to block them before they got the best of him. “You want a soda or something?”
    “What I want is to strangle Eric. Thanks, I don’t care for anything. Don’t hurry with your dinner.”
    “I’m almost finished, and I really don’t need that key lime pie I was eyeing.”
    “Don’t be silly; have it. You’re in great shape, so a little slice of pie won’t hurt you.”
    “Only if you’ll share it.”
    “No way; one bite and it shows up the next day.”
    “You’re beautiful one way or another.”
    She hadn’t expected that, but thanked him anyway.
    His waitress approached, eyeing Brandi as if she were a deadly snake. “Is everything okay, sir?”
    “Yes, I’ll take the bill.”
    She scribbled out the bill while eyeing Brandi, then walked away with an attitude.
    Tim noticed the reaction, but Brandi quickly calmed him. “It’s okay, Tim. She’s a jerk.”
    “I won’t have that from her, or anyone else.”
    “Screw her, let’s just go. Don’t leave a tip.”
    “I don’t plan to.”
    Brandi was mostly quiet on the way home. At times, Tim took a stab at engaging her in conversation. Forced close to him in a Mercedes Coup wasn’t helping her situation. Their bodies were so close she could smell his cologne. It intoxicated her, intensified her craving for him that much more. “What are you wearing? It smells wonderful.”
    “John Varvatos.”
    “Really? Eric wears that. It stinks on him, though. It has something to do with body chemistry. Each man is different.”
    “I’m glad you like it.”
    “Very much. It smells great on you.”
    Their conversation was getting way too personal. He said nothing further. He pulled into her driveway and unlocked the door. “Home sweet home, Miss Miles.”
    Thank goodness! It felt as if she had been holding her breath the entire time, fearing what she would say to him. Deciding to keep quiet was her only shot at staying sane around him. Suddenly, something as simple as holding a man’s hand was the hardest thing in the world. Knowing that, she knew she had to leave him, and leave in a hurry before the inevitable happened—a kiss. “I had better get out of here.”
    “Yes, I think you’d better.” He pushed her door open further. “You have a good night. Don’t worry about me with Eric. He will only test my waters so far. Besides, I’m not the coach he has a beef with.”
    “Eric has a beef with everyone.” She got out, looking back inside at him. “Thanks for rescuing me.”
    “Anytime.” Once she was safely inside, he sped off. His hand felt the perspiration on his shirt. His damp clothing wasn’t from the heat outside, but from the heat inside–inside his heart. He wanted Brandi more than he could stand it, and something had to be done about it, but she didn’t know what.
    * * *
    Mid-October was a repeat of September, warm and humid, perfect timing for Madison’s annual car wash fundraiser. Everyone was excited and buzzing around getting the teachers’ parking lot ready for the event.
    Brandi put in her time, along with other student volunteers who didn’t have Saturday jobs. The weather was great for her cut-off jeans and new tank top, just perfect to clean up a parking lot that normally housed over 250 faculty automobiles a day. Tim would be there, having volunteered to take on the fund-raiser this year.
    Upon hearing she would

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