StepBrother: New Rules (Stepbrother Romance)

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Book: StepBrother: New Rules (Stepbrother Romance) by Jayna King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayna King
Tags: Romance
to fill with tears. Finding the safety of her bedroom, Evelyn slammed the door and threw herself on her bed, sobbing like she hadn’t since her father’s funeral.
    She wasn’t sure how long she’d been there by the time she heard a knock on the door.
    “Yeah?” Evelyn managed, reaching for a tissue.
    She was surprised to see her mother open the door.
    “You’re still here?” Evelyn asked, nose all stopped up.
    “I called Paul, and he said he’d handle everything.”
    Evelyn sat up. “You called out of work? You’ve never done that as long as I’ve known you.”
    “I did.” Ella walked over to the desk and turned the chair to face the bed. “Mind if I sit?”
    “Of course not.” She blew her nose, feeling like nothing in her life was ever going to be right again. “Why’d you stay home?”
    Ella sat down. “Because my daughter needs me,” she answered, as if it had been the only logical choice.
    “Well, clearly, there are some things going on we need to talk about, don’t you think?”
    Evelyn’s face flushed remembering the kiss she and William had shared. “I guess.”
    “I can tell when something’s bothering you, you know.”
    Evelyn laughed, a hollow, cheerless sound. “Oh, really?” she asked, thinking about all the questions she’d struggled with—things she’d gone to great lengths to conceal from her mother. She didn’t think Ella had any idea what she was in for.
    “I can tell that something’s wrong right now.” Though Ella’s posture was upright, as always, her voice was soft, betraying a tenderness she typically concealed.
    Evelyn was frustrated. “Only because Will had to go and spill it.”
    “Evelyn, are you and Will seeing one another?”
    Ella paused, as if she required a little time to process the news. “Are you sleeping with each other?”
    Ella’s voice wavered slightly, as if she was trying to conceal her reaction to Evelyn’s news. “Are you using protection?”
    “Jesus Fucking Christ, Mom, yes. You took me to the doctor for birth control pills, remember?”
    Ella’s eyes widened. “Of course. But that was a couple of years ago. I just wanted to make sure you were still being careful. It seems you’re more skilled than I realized at keeping secrets from me, after all.” Ella paused. “And you should watch your language.”
    “Me keeping secrets from you? Are you fucking kidding me? I found out you were getting married two weeks before the big day.”
    Ella winced at the second f-bomb. “Is that what this is about? Are you mad at me for getting remarried?”
    “God, no.” Evelyn was starting to feel increasingly irritated by the calm, even tone of her mother’s voice. Couldn’t the woman ever show emotion?
    “Do you dislike Malcolm?”
    “You know I like Malcolm, Mom. I’m just saying you didn’t feel the need to keep me informed about your personal life. You shouldn’t be surprised that my life isn’t exactly an open book to you.”
    Ella studied her daughter. “I guess that’s fair.” She didn’t say anything about the slightly petulant tone of her daughter’s voice.
    Silence stretched out between them.
    Ella finally broke it. “How long have you been seeing William?”
    “A little over a year. We started hanging out after we met at the Hillford’s holiday party.” She started to relax just the tiniest bit.
    “Wow. That long?” Ella’s elegantly arched eyebrows were raised.
    Evelyn shrugged.
    “Why didn’t you tell me?”
    “The same reason I don’t tell you lots of things. I knew you’d disapprove.”
    Ella shook her head, as if she was perplexed. “Evelyn, you’re completely shutting me out. You’re being cryptic, and I’m here, trying to find out what’s gone so terribly wrong between us. Can you please open up to me? Can I ask what other things you haven’t told me?”
    “Well, for one, I don’t like chick flicks.” Evelyn realized as the words left her mouth that she’d

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