StepBrother: New Rules (Stepbrother Romance)

Free StepBrother: New Rules (Stepbrother Romance) by Jayna King

Book: StepBrother: New Rules (Stepbrother Romance) by Jayna King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayna King
Tags: Romance
    “A year from now?” William looked taken aback.
    “Well, it’ll take a while to get them used to the idea, don’t you think?”
    Before William could answer, the front door opened, and Ella’s voice rang out.
    “Evelyn? Are you ready?”
    “Mom? What are you doing here? Ready for what?”
    “Didn’t you get my text? We need you back at the hotel. One of the banquet staff called out, and we have that huge reception for the mayor’s wife’s charitable foundation tonight. You’ll make some extra money, and you’ll get major brownie points for coming to the rescue.” Ella came into the kitchen and looked at Evelyn, then William, and back to her daughter. “What’s going on? You’re not dressed for work.”
    “I didn’t see your text,” Evelyn explained. “Will and I were going to go hang out.”
    “Well, plans have changed. You and Will can hang out anytime.” Ella waved her hands to hurry her daughter up. “Let’s go. I have to be back in fifteen minutes.”
    “Mom, I have plans.”
    “Dressed like that? Looks like you’re planning on going out with your stepbrother and picking up guys who like prostitutes. Go change. We need to leave. I promised I’d take care of this situation, so it’s my professional reputation on the line.”
    “Ella, can’t anyone else cover it? Evelyn and I actually have dinner reservations.” William looked at Evelyn, as if he was willing her to stand up to her mother.
    “Of course I can find someone else to cover it, Will, but it’s not like you have a hot date. You can find one of your buddies to hang out with, right?”
    “Mom, I kinda want to go with Will.” Evelyn braced herself for Ella’s response.
    “You can’t miss this opportunity to show your dedication, Evelyn. You could even work yourself into a promotion, you know.”
    “So it’s up to you, Evelyn,” Will said, arms out, palms upturned. “You can choose. Work or me.”
    “How is that even a question?” Ella said, turning to her daughter. “Let’s go.”
    Evelyn could feel her shoulders slump as she realized she was going to cave to her mother’s demands.
    “No way, Evelyn,” Will said, seeing her body language. “You know how much I spent on those tickets.”
    “I’m sorry, Will.”
    “No way,” he repeated. “When are you going to grow up and start standing up for yourself?”
    “What is he talking about?” Ella asked, standing up straighter and putting her shoulders back, donning her cold, professional demeanor.
    “We had plans,” Evelyn explained half-heartedly.
    “Plans change, especially when duty calls,” Ella said. “I’m not going to tell you again. Go change.”
    Evelyn took a step toward leaving the kitchen, and William reached out and grabbed her arm.
    “Evelyn, this has gone on long enough. If you’re not going to do it, I will.”
    He pulled her to him and bent to kiss her, holding her in place, despite her attempt to step back. He crushed her mouth with his, letting his hand drift to her ass, pulling her even closer. Evelyn couldn’t do anything, helpless to break free, part of her responding to his touch and craving more. William let her go, and they stood still, looking at one another, neither able to speak for a few seconds.
    Evelyn turned to her mother. Ella stood, mouth hanging open, shock evident on her face.
    When neither of the women in the room could manage to say a word, William shook his head in disgust.
    He grabbed his jacket. “I’m out of here. You’ve made your choice, Evelyn. I hope you’re happy with it.”
    It was the slam of the front door that brought Evelyn back to her senses. Though she never would have guessed it, the second William had walked out, she felt an overwhelming sense of loss—like she’d given up something that was more important to her than she’d ever realized. She looked at her mother, opened her mouth, realized she couldn’t string together a coherent sentence, and fled the room as her eyes started

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