My Wicked Vampire

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Book: My Wicked Vampire by Nina Bangs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nina Bangs
Tags: Fiction
cat’s eyes narrowed, his ears pinned, and his tail lashing from side to side. A man Dacian didn’t know stood beside the cat. He was grinning. The bastard.
    “ I just had to go into the minds of every guest on this floor and convince them they only dreamed there was glass breaking and a fire in the hallway. ”
    He could do that? Dacian was impressed.
    The cat padded down the hall until he stood between the two men. “ Who started this? ” His whiskers twitched.
    Dacian kept quiet. So did Edge. The troublemaker went up a notch in his opinion. He wasn’t a finger-pointer.
    “ Idiots. ” Ganymede nodded at the man beside him. “ Maybe Bain can keep his mind on business. He’ll take over for the rest of the night. You two ”—he nodded at Dacian and Edge—“ come with me. Sparkle wants to talk to you.”
    Dacian groaned. Not Sparkle. He’d fight ten Edges and enjoy every second of it before he’d meet with the redheaded witch. A side glance at Edge showed the same expression of dread on his face. Great. Misery loved company.
    “I think I’d like to sit in on this meeting.”
    They all turned to where Cinn stood in her doorway, her favorite plant held protectively against her. She returned their stares. “And yes, he comes with me. No one’s taking him away.” Her expression dared any of them to try.
    Which took a lot of guts, because if she had any sense at all she had to know any of them could take that plant from her without moving a muscle.
    Dacian turned on Ganymede. “I thought you wiped everyone’s memory.”
    The cat looked unconcerned. “ I didn’t bother with her. It’s her butt on the line, so she deserves to know how she’s being protected. ” He nodded at her. “ Let’s get moving. I think I need a bowl of ice cream to keep from wiping the castle with the two of you. ”
    “If you think you can, cat, let’s see it.” Edge almost vibrated with aggression.
    Dacian stared at him, amazed. Dumbass. No way would he take on the cat after going a round with Edge. Maybe Edge is a lot more powerful than you are. Yeah, there was that, too. Dacian prided himself on being pragmatic. He wasn’t into lost causes. He’d rather live to fight another day.
    For a moment, the threat of unleashed power filled the hall with danger. Without thinking, Dacian moved in front of Cinn. If the explosion happened, he’d pushher back into her room and take her out through the window.
    And then the threat was over. Dacian didn’t know who had blinked, or even if anyone had, but the confrontation wouldn’t be tonight. Something told him it would eventually happen, though. That was one power struggle he didn’t want any part of.
    Everyone except for the guy Ganymede had identified as Bain headed for the elevator, and Cinn fell into step beside Dacian. She’d taken the time to pull on jeans and a red top. But not a bra. He gripped his lower lip between his teeth to keep from showing fang. When he finally released his lip, he watched her gaze slide across it. She licked her own lips.
    Awareness was suddenly alive and well between them. He let his gaze slip to her feet. Safe enough. She still wore her fuzzy slippers. They made him smile. Good. Desire wasn’t banished, but at least it was bellowing outside the gates. And that was where he’d keep it for now.
    “Do you want me to carry the plant?”
    She frowned.
    “I mean, carry Vince?” He hated to humanize the plant with a name, but if it made her more at ease with him he’d do it.
    She wouldn’t let him carry the plant. She didn’t trust him. He was the terrifying undead to her. He didn’t try to slip into her mind to verify that belief because…he didn’t want the ugly details.
    Cinn hesitated for a moment and then nodded. Reluctantly, she handed him the plant.
    He couldn’t have been more surprised if she’d handed him a bomb. Dacian took Vince and wrapped his arms around the plant. If she’d put her trust in him to do this, he was going to make

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