The Dating List
other. Leah
quickly found Rod's overcoat and trailed behind while the two men
escorted Rod to the front door. Leah opened the door so the men
could shove Rod into the hall. Colin took the overcoat from Leah
and tossed it on Rod who was lying in a heap on the hall floor.
    "Don't come back again, Rod," Leah said before
shutting the door. She marched to the buzzer and buzzed Lance.
    "Lance, I've got a drunk on the hall floor. Could you
please put him in a taxi? Thanks so much."
    Colin pulled Leah aside, guiding her into the
    "Is that the type of guy you're hooking up with?" He
whispered to keep his comments from the ears of servers rushing in
and out.
    Her face colored. "Rod? Not in a long time. He was…a
    "Honey, you're too good for guys like that." He put
his hand on her waist, drawing her closer to keep their
conversation private.
    "Guys like Rod don't want any commitment. Neither do
I. He's not the ideal…I've dated others who are nicer…who also
don't want a commitment." She turned her gaze to the floor.
    "What's your problem with commitment?" He raised her
chin to look her in the eye.
    "This isn't the time or place for this
discussion…can't we please get back to the party?"
    "No more guys like that, Leah. You're better than
    "Thanks for getting rid of him." She patted his arm
and smiled.
    "He's lucky I didn't mess him up."
    Grey stuck his head in the kitchen.
    "Everyone okay in here?"
    Colin and Leah nodded.
    "It's almost midnight, little bro, Leah," Grey
    They rejoined the others for the midnight toast.
Colin stuck by Leah's side and they kissed at midnight. He held her
close for a little longer, dipping his head to smell the sweet
scent of her freshly-washed hair mixed with her delicate perfume.
His hands caressed her shoulders and back. I'd like to rip those
tiny straps right off your dress, carry you away and make love to
you all night. When Leah stepped back, he saw a slight flush on
her chest. Her gaze met his, there was fire in her eyes. Her palms
lingered on his chest a moment longer than necessary, lighting a
fire inside him. Wait. My time will come. He smiled at her
as he let her go, calling out, "Happy New Year!" to all he could
    Grey and Carrie left right after midnight, leaving
Colin to make his own way back to the townhouse. Jean Luc's staff
stayed to clean up after the guests went home. They were very
efficient because they were all anxious to leave. Colin slung his
coat on.
    "Wait, I'll walk you to the corner…make sure you find
a taxi." Leah gave tip money to Jean Luc before retrieving her
    "I'm not a baby, Leah. I can hail a cab on my own."
He shrugged his broad shoulders into his coat.
    "I know but on New Year's Eve…it may be harder and a
woman might have a better chance."
    Colin held her ermine coat for her and they went down
the elevator together in silence. When they hit the street, Colin
spoke up.
    "You're not going to see that guy Rod again, are
    "Of course not." Leah gazed at the sidewalk.
    "How many other friends with benefits do you
have?" His eyes locked on her face.
    Heat rose to her cheeks. "I haven't had any for a
long time."
    "Living the celibate life?" He raised his
    The frigid wind on Central Park West barely relieved
the growing warmth in her face.
    "I've spent a lot of time alone lately." She folded
her arms across her chest.
    "I'm not judging you, Leah. Just looking for
information." His gloved hand turned her chin toward him.
    "Why?" Light from the streetlamps made her light
brown eyes appear liquid.
    "Because I care about you."
    "You've got your life in Pine Grove. I'm moving to
Paris…why do you want to start something between us?" Leah stopped.
Her heart was beating wildly in her chest.
    "You and I have something…call it chemistry…whatever.
I've never been as attracted to a woman as I am to you."
    "That's just sex, right? Like friends with
benefits ?"
    "It's more…more than that. You're like a

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