The Dating List
evening wore on and each eligible young woman
ambled his way only to leave again when they realized he wasn't,
and probably wouldn't ever be, a millionaire. Even more
embarrassing, he noticed Leah glancing over occasionally with a
frown on her face. The woman of my dreams watches me get dumped
by all the women at this party. Not great! At ten o'clock, the
guests had divided up in the room. Some of the older men sought
younger women. They stood in small groups near the front door. Leah
sauntered over to where Colin stood talking to Lena, the only woman
who showed any interest in what he had to say.
    Leah came up behind Colin and put her hands on his
waist. His hands covered hers immediately. She peeked around his
left side, grinning, then ducked her head under his arm. He hugged
her to him. Leah fastened her hands on his lapels and tugged his
head down toward hers. Their lips met. Colin encircled her waist,
pulling her in for a devastating kiss. All conversation around them
stopped. He could feel everyone staring but ignored them. Leah
melted against him, her arms around his neck. He lifted her off the
ground and continued the kiss for a few more seconds before
releasing her. The silence continued as they stared into each
other's eyes.
    "Wow," Lena muttered.
    "Seems as if these ladies have freed you up to be my
escort this evening."
    "My lucky day."
    Leah slipped her arm through his, easing him away
from the crowd. They escaped into the guest bedroom where the coats
lay scattered on the bed.
    "What happened?" She asked.
    "What do you mean?"
    "With all those women. I've been watching you and
they all seemed interested…then something happened."
    "Yeah, I told them I'm a high school gym teacher and
coach. They're looking for wealthy men, Leah. Not me."
    "Fools, all of them."
    "Do you mean that?"
    "Of course."
    He pulled her into his arms for another kiss when the
door opened.
    "Ah, there you are…robbing the cradle, Leah?"
    A blond man, wearing a dark gray suit lounged against
the door frame, an amused look on his face.
    "Rod. Come in," Leah smoothed her skirt down. "This
is Colin. Colin, Rod McMahon."
    Colin, still bristling from the man's nasty crack,
nodded. Rod's blue eyes glittered.
    "Leah, give him a lollipop and come back to the
    Colin's hands fisted at his sides.
    "Rod, no need to be insulting."
    "Can't he talk yet?"
    "Yes, I can talk. Thought I'd save the lady the
embarrassment of having one of her guests taken down."
    "Lady? Leah, you mean?" He laughed. "She's more like
a friend…with benefits, than a lady."
    Leah's face colored.
    "Take that back, asswipe." Colin took a menacing step
toward the man.
    "Oh? And who's gonna make me?"
    "Rod, you've had too much to drink. Maybe you'd
better go home," Leah moved toward him until Colin's arm blocked
her way.
    "Me? Don't think so. Gotta be here at midnight for my
Happy New Year hump with you."
    Colin grabbed Rod by the lapels of his jacket. Rod
tried to break the younger man's hold but was unsuccessful.
    "Apologize," Colin spit out.
    Rod shook his head. Colin grabbed him in a headlock
and took the man down. He easily held him down on the ground.
    "Apologize or go home with a broken arm."
    Colin twisted Rod's wrist then shoved it halfway up
his back. Rod yelped in pain. Leah tried to break it up until Colin
threw a stern look at her.
    "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Leah. I didn't mean it. You're
every inch a lady."
    Colin let go and stood up. Rod rubbed his wrist then
his arm while staring daggers at Colin. Grey entered the
    "I've been looking for you, buddy…" he said.
    "This is your buddy? Better be careful. He bites,"
Rod said.
    "What's going on?" Grey stood back.
    "This asswipe made disparaging remarks about Leah. He
was damned insulting."
    "Hey, I apologized didn't I? Leah, get this
Neanderthal back in his corner, would ya?"
    "Are you calling my brother a Neanderthal? I think
you need to leave."
    Grey grabbed one arm while Colin took the

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