A Winning Gift

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Book: A Winning Gift by Catherine Hapka Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Hapka
time with Cloudy.
    [BROOKE] Hi! I’m here too—hi, Haley!
    [HALEY] Hi! I hope Maddie checks in soon.
    [BROOKE] She’s prob at the barn spending all the time she can w/ Cloudy. I know that’s what I’d be doing if I were in her shoes. Hang in there, Maddie! We will help if we can!!!
    [HALEY] Def!!!! Hey, B, did u ride today?
    [BROOKE] Only for a few min. My little sibs are still on their cowboy kick. They both followed me out to the barn when I went to check Foxy’s water and pestered me until I gave them another pony ride. Argh!
    [HALEY] Lol, sounds cute! Post more pix, OK? Anyway, I’d better go—almost time to set the table for dinner. Check in when u can, Maddie! Bye, B!
    [BROOKE] Bye!
    [NINA] Hi again! I’m back—sry so late, but we went out to eat. Mmm, oysters! I’m stuffed. Anyway, Maddie, I’m hoping u check in soon—it should be like 7 o’clock there, so you may still be eating dinner. . . .
    As she read Nina’s post, Maddie checked the clock by her bed. It was 7:05. She opened a text box and typed quickly:
    [MADDIE] I’m here! Nina, r u still on?
    She posted it, then sat back and waited. It was only a few seconds before the response came:
    [NINA] I’m here! Glad u are too!!!!
    [NINA] How are you holding up?
    [MADDIE] Ugh, I dunno. I just keep thinking about it. Jan. is sooo soon, you know?
    [NINA] Ya. Did u talk to the ’rents?
    [MADDIE] Not yet. It never seems to be the right time. Plus, I’m still afraid they’ll be so mad I snooped that they’ll cancel my party.
    [NINA] I hear you. Are you maybe also afraid that if they say it’s true, that will mean it’s real?
    [MADDIE] LOL. I already knew u were smart, N. But I didn’t know u were a mind reader, too! I’m totally afraid of that!
    [NINA] I would be too. No mind rdg required, lol! But ur not going to give up, are you? Maybe there’s still a way to change their minds.
    [MADDIE] Doubtful. The USAF doesn’t change its mind very often. When they say u need to move, u move—kwim?
    [NINA] Well, what about Haley’s idea to stay behind when they go? Maybe u could move in w/ yr friend Bridget, or those girls from yr barn, or??? U have tons of friends, right? I knew a girl here who stayed w/ her cousins when her mom had to work overseas for six months.
    [MADDIE] Six months is one thing. This is prolly supposed to be for longer than that. Anyway, none of my relatives live anywhere nearby, so moving in w/ them won’t help. And I doubt my parents would let me stay w/ friends.
    [MADDIE] Sry. Not trying to be negative! I know ur trying to help.
    [NINA] It’s OK. I understand! I hope u at least are getting lots of quality Cloudy time in to help u thru.
    [MADDIE] Not rly. Bridget has been riding her so much I’ve barely been on her. She’s coming to the barn again tmw, actually.
    [NINA] Huh? But u need ur Cloudy time!!
    [MADDIE] I know, but what can I do? B needs her too.
    [NINA] But if she knows what u are going thru, she must see that she has to share!?
    [NINA] Wait—don’t tell me u haven’t told her about the move?
    [MADDIE] I haven’t told anyone here. Just you guys.
    [NINA] Hmm. Well, maybe u need to tell Bridget soon? She’s a good friend—I’m sure she will understand, right?
    [MADDIE] I dunno. She can be kinda emotional, u know? She will prolly freak out if she knows I’m moving away that soon. Not sure I’m ready to deal with that, kwim?
    [NINA] Sure. Just think about it, OK? U need support from yr friends right now—all of them. Including Cloudy! Anyway, I’m beat. Gotta get to bed or I’ll be dead in school tmw. But I will keep thinking about ways to help—promise!
    [MADDIE] Thanks. Nighty-night!
    After she posted her last message, Maddie sat back with a sigh. She was in her room, sitting cross-legged on her bed. Tillie was still downstairs, since it was her turn to help clear

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