Nurse Trudie is Engaged

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Book: Nurse Trudie is Engaged by Marjorie Norrell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marjorie Norrell
he demanded. “ Your daughter says her engagement ring ‘ doesn ’ t matter. ’ I don ’ t know whether she ’ s thinking of my pocket ...”
    “ She ’ s overwrought. ” Dr. Hislop gave Trudie an affectionate glance that somehow included Philip in its warmth, but at once reverted to the topic uppermost in his mind. “ You look for a ring as soon as she ’ s fit, ” he suggested. “ And now, what did ... Veronica want? ”
    Trudie felt a sharp pang of sympathy for her father. The words “ Garth ’ s wife ” had trembled on his tongue, but all year he had avoided using his son ’ s name, as if the memory of the laughing, friendly boy he had loved and would see no more hurt too much.
    “ She ’ s coming to stay with us, Dad, ” she said simply. “ We couldn ’ t say much, you understand. But it seems she ’ s not working at present and has a chance to fly over. I think she wants to look for work in this country, when she ’ s had a rest. ”
    “ Poor child, ” Dr. Hislop said compassionately. “ She shall have all the rest she needs and desires. She need not go back to work unless she wishes. I hope you told her that. ”
    “ I said we ’ d talk about it when she came, ” Trudie told him. “ As I said, there wasn ’ t much time. She arrives tomorrow at London Airport, and I said I ’ d be there to meet her. I know none of you can get away easily ...”
    “ I have a free day, ” Philip p u t in as she paused for breath, “ and I ’ ve offered to drive Trudie and to buy the ring when we ’ ve had lunch. Then I ’ ll take her on to the airport and bring them both back here, if that ’ s all right with you, sir? ” He turned once more to Dr. Hislop.
    “ I think that ’ s a splendid idea, ” he said heartily. “ Geoff, some more champagne, please. We ’ ve a double event to celebrate tonight. First Trudie and Philip ’ s engagement, and now my daughter-in-law is coming to stay with us. Did she mention Garth? ” he added abruptly, as though the words were uttered under some compulsion.
    “ Only to say she would recognize me because he had said we were very much alike. ” The words were an effort, for she knew the picture they would evoke in her father ’ s mind; a picture of herself and Garth, side by side for some family snapshot or event as they had been so often.
    “ Did she say how long she was staying with us? ” Malcolm put in, and the tension of the moment passed.
    “ No. ” Trudie wrinkled her forehead.
    “ There ’ ll be plenty of time for that sort of talk later, ” Dr. Hislop said. “ Oh, thank you, ” he added as Geoff handed him a brimming glass.
    The next half hour or so was spent in toasting the unknown daughter-in-law and in discussion as to what she would most care to do and to see on her arrival. At last Philip looked at his watch and announced it was time he headed for home.
    “ I ’ ll see you out, ” Trudie offered, but he smiled down at her, shaking his head.
    “ You stay here and rest your leg, ” he told her. “ I ’ ve been talking to your father and he and I have decided what he shall use tonight to give you a light massage and also you ’ re to take the tablets he has prescribed. These combined efforts should give you a good night ’ s rest, and I don ’ t think you will be half so stiff as you imagine you will be by morning. Good night, Trudie dear, ” he startled her by saying, and then surprised her even more by suddenly stooping, giving her a gentle good night kiss in front of them all. She had to remind herself this was all part of the pretense, that this was what the family would expect of a newly engaged couple; all the same she knew the color had raced to her cheeks and her hands, as they lay in Philip ’ s, were trembling. Philip seemed to understand, for he gave her an understanding smile and her shaking hands felt the extra pressure of his fingers.
    “ I ’ ll be here about 11 in the morning, ” he announced, “ but don

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