Nurse Trudie is Engaged

Free Nurse Trudie is Engaged by Marjorie Norrell

Book: Nurse Trudie is Engaged by Marjorie Norrell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marjorie Norrell
“ Too many people do that whether invited to do so or not. If you ever feel my advice on any problem might be of help it ’ s there, for what it ’ s worth, at any time, but until it ’ s asked for I ’ m keeping it to myself. ”
    “ It ’ s good to know we have someone to turn to should we need advice, sir, ” Philip said. “ And I thank you for your good wishes. ”
    Dr. Hislop lifted his glass. “ Long life, health and happiness to Philip and Trudie, ” he said in a louder voice. Malcolm and his brother echoed the toast while Philip and Trudie remained in a blushing, guilty, accepting silence. Just as she was afraid Philip ’ s resolve would fail him and in some way he would be driven by his own sense of deceit into telling the full story, Trudie was thankful to hear the telephone ringing through the house.
    “ Not again! ” Geoff murmured. “ Hope you don ’ t have to go out, Dad. Just when we ’ re celebrating ...”
    Mrs. Emma came hurrying in from the hall, suddenly seeming inarticulate. She stared at Dr. Hislop, then at Trudie, then from one brother to the other and back to the doctor.
    “ Come quickly, one of you, ” she burst out at last. “ This is a very expensive call. It ’ s Mrs. Garth ... calling from New York. She wants to talk to either Dr. Hislop or to Miss Trudie, and she said to hurry, please ...”

    T rudie ’ s anxious glance flew to her father ’ s face, and for one dreadful moment she thought the shock had given him a stroke. With an effort she forced her stiff limbs from the sofa and would have fallen but for Philip ’ s supporting arm. “ I ’ ll take the call, ” she announced. “ Help me, Philip, please. Malcolm, get Dad a brandy ... quickly! ”
    In spite of Philip ’ s help and support it took her far longer than usual to reach the telephone alcove. As she imagined the feelings of her unknown sister-in-law at the other end, away in another country with miles of sea and space between them, and thought of the enormous cost of the call, Trudie ’ s courage almost failed her. She was not in the least surprised to see that her hands were shaking as she lifted the instrument, and she was grateful for Philip ’ s supporting arm, for her leg ached dreadfully. She was suddenly overcome by the same kind of faintness she had experienced when she first became conscious in the casualty ward.
    “ Trudie Hislop speaking, ” she managed at length. “ Sorry to have taken so lo n g. ”
    “ Veronica Fleet here, Veronica Hislop, ” came the strange voice over the phone. Trudie had never taken a trans-Atlantic call before and she was surprised how easily and clearly the words reached her. “ You were kind enough to say I could come and stay with you for a time, ” Veronica went on as though they had already met and the invitation had been issued but a day or so previously instead of almost a year ago. “ I couldn ’ t then, but I can now. I ’ m escorting two children over tomorrow, and their mother is paying my fare in return. If it won ’ t be convenient you have only to say so...”
    For the first time she sounded uncertain, not sure of herself at all, and all of Trudie ’ s warm heart rushed out to meet her.
    “ Of course it ’ s convenient, Veronica, ” she said hurriedly. “ It was just ... it ’ s so long since we heard from you. We ’ ve all wondered where you were and what you were doing. When will you be here? ”
    “ We touch down at London Airport around five o ’ clock tomorrow, ” came the answer. “ It doesn ’ t matter if no one can be there to meet me. I only wanted to be certain I wasn ’ t intruding. ”
    Trudie had forgotten that Veronica was an accomplished if undistinguished actress, and the lost and forlorn note in her voice sounded as genuine as its owner had intended. S h e hastened to give reassurance.
    “ How could you be intruding? ” she demanded warmly. “ Aren ’ t you part of the family now? Of course

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