Heart of the Raven

Free Heart of the Raven by Susan Crosby

Book: Heart of the Raven by Susan Crosby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Crosby
    Cassie relaxed him just by being there. Except when she aroused him just by being there.
    If he joined her and Danny outside he might be able to touch her, to put a hand under her arm when she came up the stairs. She wouldn’t pull away over a simple touch like that, would she?
    He liked how she stood up to him, liked the fire in her eyes when she did—and the way her posture changed. She stood a little taller, put her shoulders back and her chin up. A sexy stance, emphasizing her breasts. Yeah, he definitely wanted to join them in their walk.
    He made the decision too late. The front door opened and closed.
    He went down the stairs anyway to greet them. Danny’s eyes were open. She plopped him in Heath’s arms, said, “I’ll be right back,” then headed toward the downstairs powder room.
    He watched her until she disappeared, his gaze on her very sexy rear. He imagined his hands there, lifting her higher against him as they kissed—
    He stopped the thought cold. Ideas like that could only lead to complications.
    â€œDid you enjoy your walk?” he asked his tiny son, turning toward the living room, his attention solely on Danny. He didn’t see any yellow tinge to Danny’s complexion. The open drapes made it seem almost as if they were outdoors, which had been his original goal when he designed the house for the property, and why he’d named it Raven’s View. He didn’t focus on the surroundings, however, but on Danny. “She’s something, isn’t she?” he whispered to the boy. “A natural-born mom. And one beautiful woman.”
    Danny arched his back. His tiny hands came out from under the blanket. He tucked them under his chin. Heath bent down and kissed the little fingers curled into fists, then his forehead, then each cheek, as his baby scent imprinted on Heath’s brain. An image of Kyle flashed in his mind. His eyes burned. His throat ached. He barely remembered him as an infant, an unbearably sad realization. As a little boy he’d had hair as blond as Mary Ann’s, but Heath’s nose and mouth and green eyes.
    Heath would’ve liked to compare the brothers, but he couldn’t because Mary Ann had taken all the photo albums, leaving him nothing. Nothing except memories, and those were tainted by the final one. Dad-dy! Kyle’s voice haunted him. Would always haunt him.
    â€œDid you get some work done?”
    Cassie had come up beside him.
    He didn’t want her to see him like this, but he couldn’t escape, either. He lifted his gaze to her.
    â€œOh. Oh, Heath.”
    The sympathy in her eyes was like a gut punch. She lifted a hand. He pulled back. Pushy as always she didn’t back away. After a second she stroked his hair, her touch soothing. Too soothing. He didn’t want to break down with her. He hadn’t broken down. It was going to be ugly when—if—he did.
    â€œDon’t,” he said quietly.
    As usual she didn’t listen to him. She went up on tiptoe and pressed her lips to his, lightly, just a brush, really. He cupped the back of her head as she would have pulled away and drew out the kiss a little bit longer, then he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her against him, so that her head rested against his shoulder. Ah, the simple pleasure of human touch, of human warmth. It had been so long. So very long.
    â€œThank you for being here,” he said. “I’m not sure how well I would’ve done on my own.”
    â€œYou would be fine. You’re quite relaxed with him.”
    Because you’re here, he thought, knowing it was the truth. How did single parents do it? Well, he was about to find out, and he probably had more financial resources than most single parents. But paying for help didn’t relieve the anxiety of raising a child alone.
    He let go of Cassie. “Do you have work you should be doing?” he asked.
    â€œA little. Most has to wait

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