Book: IT WAS ALL A DREAM (1) by KELVIN F JACKSON Read Free Book Online
definitely didn’t want to wife one. He had seen the type before. The who these new niggahs ? Bitches. Most of them had been ru n through by all the out of town hustlers, and most of the dudes in town.
    But K wasn’t looking for a relationship, just something to do to occupy his time and take his mind off Mattie.
    “I’m K. What’s up, yall trying to hangout wit a niggah?” he said returning the same eye contact she was giving him. “Drinks on me.”
    That pretty much sealed the deal as they made their way to the club. After paying for everybody to get in and passing security, he realized that he had just found him a new hangout spot. Of course the grimey cats he anticipated might be inside were there, but he could deal with them.  He had been dealing with them all his life. The part that officially locked him in was the wall to wall to wall honeys that filled the spot.
    K headed straight to the bar with his newfound friends close on his heels.
    “Get what yall want,” he told them over the loud music.
    K noticed a couple of cats who he’d met since he’d been in the town and dealt with on a business level. He also noticed all the chicks that came by the bar trying to see who the new niggah was hanging with Trish and her crew. A few shots of Hennessy later and K felt a tug on his hand. He had been deep in thought after hanging up his cellphone with yet another straight to voicemail call to Mattie. Trish’s smile combined with cognac was all that was needed to stitch up the wound in his heart that was reopening.
    “Come dance with me Papi ,” she said seductively. Thoughts of Mattie vanished. She swayed her hips like a snake charmer and K followed her lead. Yep, he thought to himself , I think I might like it here .
    *                                                         *                                                              *
    Mattie and Reebie entered the apartment just after six in the morning. They were both tired from the night of partying at a club in Manhattan that Reebie had talked Mattie into going to.
    “Come on Mat. Let’s go hangout in the Village. I’m tired of sitting around in this apartment,” Reebie had said yesterday.
    Mattie was also tired of sitting around, and she was still fairly content with a couple of blunts and some loud music. But Reebie had kept pushing the issue.
    “We can go shopping and go to Juniors to get cheesecake. Please?” Reebie whined.
    Now Mattie thought, this bitch aint playing fair. Cheesecake and shopping. Her two weaknesses. So after a little more persuasion, Mattie had reluctantly given in. She really didn’t want to leave the apartment either. Especially due to the fact that she had misplaced her cellphone, which she kept on vibrate because she always listened to her music at such a high volume. The last time she had spoken to K was yesterday and he said things were going good. He was also coming home in a couple of days and had something important to talk to her about.
    Now as she stuck her key i n the apartment door, she wished she would have kept her ass at home. They had almost missed their stop on the train and would have had the conductor not woke them up. Of course they didn’t have to catch the train back out to Wyandanch, which Reebie reminded Mattie all the way through Penn Station. Of the five crews of dudes that tried to get with the undeniably gorgeous sister, three dudes actually offered to bring them back out to the Island… after breakfast.
    But of the dudes that had offered, none of them were the ones out of the crew buying drinks. Not to mention one of them looked like he couldn’t even spell car, let alone own one. As soon as Reebie was through the door she kicked off her heels and headed straight to the couch. Look at this crusty bitch, Mattie

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