Origin ARS 6

Free Origin ARS 6 by Scottie Futch

Book: Origin ARS 6 by Scottie Futch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scottie Futch
she had accepted his proposal she had become pregnant with another man's child.
    Soap operas had never been his sort of thing, but he had suddenly been thrust into one a few months ago. Admittedly, it was the best thing that had ever happened to him. Sarah's infidelity had allowed him to experience his current life. Ultimately, it had allowed him to find a real family.
    Still, he had chosen to change the nature of who he had become over the years. He could not put things off forever. At some point soon, he would have to speak with Sarah.
    "I wonder if Herbert would like to visit Earth?" asked Scott gently. Rhea had her family business to attend to and Ero had to deal with the pregnancy testing. He hated that he could not be part of that, but he to accept the situation.
    Outside of training and job hunting, there was really little else to do at the moment. Scott closed his eyes and said, "Tomorrow. We'll go tomorrow."
    Origin reached up and lightly stroked her vibrant blue hair. It had seemed important to undergo all of the meetings and take a tour of the city for the sake of ARS, but she missed it already. As her brother, Silence, drove the family to their first destination the second youngest daughter of the Ardent family could not help but wonder what Scott was doing.
    She sighed softly then looked out the window. Era, her mother, smiled at the melancholy expression on her daughter's face. "Do you truly miss him that badly?"
    Origin's nostrils flared slightly and she lowered her head a little. "What would give you that idea?"
    Era laughed gently. "My poor little girl. You'll be done with your tasks soon."
    Mid, the oldest sister in attendance for the trip, spoke up. "I think she's more worried about someone else. Sarah was it?"
    The blue haired goddess glared at her older sister then snorted. "I am not worried about that woman ."
    "You sure about that?" asked Mid sweetly. She wore a smile on her lips that would have made the Cheshire Cat nod in approval.
    "Who is this Sarah?" asked Era curiously. "Should I coax your father into smiting her for you dear?"
    "No, no. She doesn't deserve that..." Origin bit her lower lip then sighed. "...I suppose."
    "You suppose?" Era blinked then leaned closer to her daughter. "Dear childe, do you mean to tell me that she has wronged you to the extent that you are uncertain whether to involve your father or not?"
    "No... No, it's more a personal thing," said Origin gently.
    Mid placed her fingers over her lower lip gently then said, "Come now little sister. It's alright to be angry."
    Era glanced over to Mid. "Will you tell me what is wrong?"
    "Mid..." whispered Origin, a hint of annoyance in her voice.
    The dark haired older sibling merely smiled at her sister once more then said, "Sarah is the ex-fiancé of Origin's current fiancé. She recently tried to claim that she was pregnant with his child."
    Era's perfectly sculpted eyebrow rose into the air. "Such drama." She turned to Origin. "What did you do?"
    Origin snorted. "I verified whether it was true or not then told Scott about the encounter."
    "Dear one, you seem to be having trouble with pregnancy issues recently." Era clasped her daughter's hand gently. "Tell me, the little fairy... She is pregnant with his child too, is she not?"
    "Yeah, but it's not the same... Ero's family," said Origin.
    Mid grinned lightly then pulled the brim of her overly large floppy hat downward slightly. "Oh little sister..."
    Origin's cheeks took on a rosy glow and her nostrils flared slightly. "Look, I have enough trouble dealing with that situation without you making fun of me Mid."
    Era squeezed Origin's hand. She was about to say something to her youngest daughter, but she noticed the strangely quiet atmosphere surrounding her only son. "Silence, is there something wrong?"
    Silence did not speak for a moment, but when he did it was to say. "Do you think dad would exile me if I killed a few citizens of the Divine City?"
    That brought everyone

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