Escape 1: Escape From Aliens
operates under my control once we re-enter normal space-time. While a bioform is required to determine a vector course in a star system, to respond to inquiries from other ships, to dispatch collector pods, to transfer bioform guests from collector pods into containment units, and to authorize repair bots to carry out external hull or internal system repairs, such duties are few. Your own Human species has achieved similar automation of its technological systems.”
    Neat , Bill thought. That answered a question that had been lurking in his mind ever since he’d seen how few people were present on the ship. If you counted weird Aliens as people! “Star Traveler,” he interrupted with a nod to Jane. “Can you again show us the ship interior hologram? It will be helpful in our efforts to reach Crèche Master Diligent Taskmaster.”
    “I cannot,” the AI said firmly. “A Command Sequence prevents me from again sharing that hologram.”
    Damn . “Can you tell us if the location of Crèche Master Diligent has changed since we saw the ship hologram?”
    A low hum sounded, lasting for several seconds. “The location of Crèche Master Diligent Taskmaster has not changed.”
    “Thank you,” Jane said with a look that said she preferred to do the questioning of the AI. “We look forward to meeting with him so we can be added to the crewmember inventory for this ship. We wish to help him and help you in the smooth functioning of this ship.”
    “Access to him can be done by use of either hallway,” the AI said.
    Bill blinked. Either hallway? He had not seen that when the holo floated in front of him. It had looked as if the other door leading out of the containment cell chamber only went so far as the Transport Chamber in the middle of the ship. He looked to Jane. Who had clearly thought the same. She frowned.
    “Star Traveler,” Jane said, “our memory of the hologram ship map did not show the Engine access hallway extending beyond the Transport Chamber. Did we not see something important?”
    “Your bio-vision needs improvement,” the AI said calmly. “While the Engine hallway does traverse the ship through the Containment Unit Chamber and up to the Transport Exit Chamber, a rampway at the opposite end of the Transport Chamber leads to a lower deck of this ship. On that deck the hallway continues forward until it reaches the Command Bridge Chamber.”
    Bill blinked, then recalled his memory of the ship holo. There were many overlapping chambers and boxes, along with the long hallway that ran along the deck they now occupied. But the holo did indicate there were other decks above and below their deck. One above and One below, he recalled. He had been most focused on the deck that showed their location, the containment cells and the approaching crewmembers. He grimaced. Then gave thanks that the tube suit he still wore had not fogged up from the moisture of his breath, or the sweat he’d shed during the hallway battle. Which made him look to Jane. He caught her attention and gestured to the suit he wore.
    Jane’s brown eyes opened wide as she understood his concern. She stopped with him before the tall gray metal door that led into the airlock which gave access to the containment cells chamber. “Star Traveler,” she said hurriedly. “How long will the air inside the suits we are wearing last? Do we need to change suits in this airlock we are now entering?”
    “Not needed,” the AI said swiftly. “The suit you each wear has adequate power and air regeneration for three Earth days. While there is a water source inside your helmet for short-term rehydration, you will need to exit your suit in order to eat or drink any food.”
    “Thank you!” she said loudly with a smile. “Now, for our further education while we transfer these crewmembers to new quarters in the empty containment units, please describe the interstellar society of Collectors, Buyers and Market worlds. How extensive is it? Does it cover the

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