From Venice With Love
‘hairdo’? He hoped not.
    A gondola drifted past below with just a single light making the ornate brass ornament on the prow of the boat gleam. A couple sat, wrapped in blankets against the cold and silent as they gazed in wonder at the magic of touring this city at night with only the ripple of the boat to disturb the serenity.
    The tap of high heels on stone disturbed the moment for Nico. He turned and Charlotte’s step faltered.
    ‘What are you doing out here?’
    ‘Waiting for you.’
    The only light now that the gondola had passedcame from the fairy lights of the restaurant and a small Christmas tree that was being used to reveal where the door to the bathrooms was. Silver light that made Charlotte’s dress shine and cast a spotlight on the way the fabric clung to her body and revealed noticeable curves. It also caught matching strands in her hair. It would look golden in the sunshine, Nico thought. Chameleon hair. He could imagine her eyes could create that illusion too. Maybe they would take on a blue hue under a summer sky. Or when she was happy?
    Right now they were a stormy, slate grey.
    She sounded nervous and added to that impression by pushing her fingers through her hair. The gesture ruffled the loose waves. It was a supremely feminine movement. Confusing, given what Nico was there intending to find out. The reminder made him shake off his focus on how unexpectedly attractive Charlotte was looking. He cleared his throat.
    ‘I…um…It seems to be going well. Your
is happy.’
    ‘Mmm.’ He could see Charlotte swallow. A ripple that ran the length of her elegant neck. ‘Too happy, maybe.’
    ‘Is there such a thing? Especially at a time like this?’
    Charlotte sighed. ‘She
happy. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her look so…so contented.’
    ‘There you go, then. It’s been a good thing to do. A reprieve from thinking about less happy things. One that you may be able to use for some time.’
    Charlotte looked away, watching the tail end of the gondola as it turned a corner. ‘But I didn’t think thingsthrough. I thought other people would just think you were sharing our table for dinner.’ Her voice rose and the words sped up a little, revealing how unsettled she was. ‘I didn’t expect to start a rumour that will follow me back to St Margaret’s. I have no idea what I’m going to do about that.’
    ‘You don’t have to do anything.’ Nico paused, trying to select his words carefully. ‘Unless it’s going to cause personal distress?’
    She frowned at him. ‘What kind of personal distress?’
    ‘Well…you might have someone in your life that wouldn’t be happy to know about this…this illusion you’re creating.’
    ‘I don’t…’ She was trying to process his meaning. Then she made an impatient sound. ‘I told you I wasn’t in a relationship.’
    ‘Not with
Right,’ he murmured.
    There was a moment’s dead silence and then Charlotte’s eyes widened. ‘Oh, my God…you think I’m a—’ An incredulous huff broke her words. ‘Are you
And then she turned away but not before Nico had seen a fierce sparkle in her eyes.
    Oh…Dio…He’d really put his foot in it now, hadn’t he? Was she about to start crying again?
    No matter. He had come prepared. He reached for the neatly pressed handkerchief he’d pushed into his jacket pocket just before he’d left his room. He pulled it out and, as he did so, something glinted in the light and bounced on the stones with an audible
    Charlotte turned her head. ‘What was that?’
    ‘Nothing important.’ Nico knew what it was. It hadbeen weighing his pocket down earlier today. But then he’d forgotten all about it after he’d arrived at the symposium. After he’d been swept along by listening to the story Charlotte had told them. Weirdly, it hadn’t occurred to him to think about it again all day. Or remember to take it out of his pocket.
    His grandmother’s ring. The one his

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