Diary of a Nerd King #2: The Complete 2nd Season - Episodes 1 to 8

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Book: Diary of a Nerd King #2: The Complete 2nd Season - Episodes 1 to 8 by Matt Ballard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Matt Ballard
Tags: kids
Snakes are pretty cool, so we all started talking about it.
    It turns out these weren’t natural, wild snakes that were native to Florida (Boogie’s dad says native means that’s where they’re originally from), but they were snakes that people had bought as pets and then released once they got too big and the people didn’t want them anymore.

    (Snakes are kinda cute when they’re just little guys.  You can sorta see why someone would want one as a pet.)
    Boogie’s dad says they’re irresponsible pet owners.  I agree with him.  He says it’s pretty dumb for people to buy a pet like a snake without thinking what’s going to happen once they get big, especially snakes like these which are Burmese Pythons that get HUGE! 

    (They’re not so cute when they’re HUGE.  Imagine how much it would cost to feed this guy!)
    Pythons are like those snakes you see in the movies that kill people by wrapping themselves around them and squeezing until the person is crushed to death! 
    Boogie’s dad says he thinks people have to be nuts to want to keep one of those as a pet.  He thinks they’re too dangerous.
    Boogie and I actually think it might be kind of cool to have a Burmese Python for a pet.  It would sure make things interesting on bring-your-pet-to-school day!
    Just imagine how high our cool status would be that day!  All the other kids are showing up with their hamsters, gerbils, turtles, goldfish, and maybe a few dogs and cats.  Then bam!

    Boogie and I show up with this HUGE Burmese Python dangling across our necks, both of us carrying it in because it’s SO big that it’s hard for just one of us to carry!  Everybody’s eyes would be bugging out, and we’d be like instant celebrities! 
    All the kids would be begging us to touch our snake!
    Even the scared ones would be wanting to at least get a little closer for a better look. 
    We’d be super-stars!  Instantly famous!  The Snake Dudes!!!

    Maybe Boogie and I would even get tattoos of our snake on our arms! 
    Or we could get SUPER big ones on our backs!
    Then our cool status would be off the charts!  We might just be the coolest people on the planet at that point, or the coolest people in our school at the very least.
    Boogie’s dad says the snakes are a BIG problem.  Apparently they’re eating all the rest of the wild animals in the Everglades (that’s a fancy name for a swamp.  Boogie’s dad says the name Everglades specifically refers to a big section of swamp or wetlands in the bottom part of Florida). 
    I guess this would be really crappy if you’re one of the animals that’s getting eaten.  The guy on the radio said the pythons will eat almost anything, including rabbits, raccoons, opossums, and birds.  Apparently they’ll EVEN eat bobcats and alligators!!!
    Now that would be pretty cool to watch.  A snake hunting an alligator, catching it, and then swallowing it whole! 

    That’s how Burmese Pythons eat.  Once they catch their prey, they swallow it in one piece.  Their mouth opens REALLY big, and they stretch it over the animals they’re eating.  It takes a while, but somehow they do it!
    Boogie’s dad says he’s even heard of them swallowing a whole cow!  He says pythons have this hinge built into their mouth so that they can open it REALLY wide.  The rest of their body is really stretchy too, like an elastic, so that they can stuff their food in there.

    Boogie thinks we should try to get some video footage of a python eating something big like a cow or an alligator.  We could do commentary on it and make it into a video for our YouTube show. 
    It could be a pretty big hit.  I mean, think about it.  Who wouldn’t want to see a HUGE snake swallowing a whole cow!  Or even an alligator!  Or maybe both!

    We could do a whole bunch of different videos of snakes eating different stuff.  It could be a new

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