Petr's Mate

Free Petr's Mate by April Zyon

Book: Petr's Mate by April Zyon Read Free Book Online
Authors: April Zyon
sex and birthing new bunnies.
They pretty much ate, slept, pooped, and had babies.” Then it hit her. “Oh God .” Her shot she had taken for birth control
wore off a great many years ago. “I’m not on anything for pregnancy prevention. Are you?” she
asked, assuming that men could take contraceptives as well in this new timeline
she found herself in.
immediately moved to a position where they were able to look into one another’s
eyes. “ Imarian men in the military are on a regimen
that prevents us from impregnating any woman. The women are on something
similar to prevent pregnancy. When a man or woman finds their soul bond, they then have the choice to come off it. But even if I were to stop immediately, it would take many risings
before it wore off.”
let out a breath that she hadn’t actually realized she was holding. “Thank goodness. Yes I love you and yes I want a life
with you but I want to have several years just with you. As long as you are okay with waiting, so am I.” She had to
learn this time she was in before she even dared to bring a child into the
world. “I have too much to learn before we have a kid and goodness only knows I have too much
I want to do with you before we have a child .”
his hand from her throat, he cupped her cheek. “There is no need to rush into anything. You need time to
acclimatize to your new reality. I would never pressure you into anything. When
you are ready, say the word.”
me, Petr. Please.” He was still over her and while she loved it, she wanted
more. She wanted everything.
    “Always,” he said against her
lips. Then he proceeded to make her feel loved in every way possible, and a few
she hadn’t even considered.

Chapter Five
really know how to make a man feel appreciated,” Petr said. He shot Samantha
another look and shook his head slowly. Poor thing looked terrified. “I do know what I am
doing. So the clenching of the arm rests, gritted teeth, and whimpering noises
you’re making aren’t required, Samantha. You should open your eyes and take a
look around. There are only a handful of people who ever have the opportunity to see this field from
this vantage point.” He was trying to ease her worries and tease her at the
same time.
shook her head roughly and it made him chuckle. “No, thank you. If you will recall, I saw what things like what we
are flying did to my ship.” He noticed she didn’t use the term asteroids . “Just tell me when we land,
okay?” She was shaking. That had him frowning. “Cause then I will look , okay? ”
up on the power, Petr settled them into a nice safe trajectory through the
field. “Samantha, come here.” He put a hand on her arm and slid his fingers down to her
wrist. “You can open your eyes. We’re barely moving, and we are in a stable
section. Trust me, please.”
    Samantha moved in his lap as he
asked her to do. “I’m sorry. I think it’s going to be a while before I’m able
to look outside of our ships and watch the nothingness that ’ s out there. I know you are more
than capable of getting us from point A to point B, but after so many years … ” He felt her shudder and knew
what she was thinking. She was recalling the nightmares from the cryo -sleep chambers.
wrapped one arm around her tight, tucking her head under his chin. “I know this
is hard for you, little one. Thank you for still deciding to come along with
me. It means more than you know.” Pressing a kiss to her hair, he rubbed his hand up and down her arm
at the same time he made a minute course correction. “I understand that the
nothingness of space scares you. It does the same for a lot of people. But will
you take one peek for me? I swear it’ll be worth it.”
felt her nodding, then heard her indrawn breath. “Petr … it’s beautiful. I’ve never seen anything so gorgeous in all of my life.” He
knew she was looking at the rising sun that was coming over

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