Blood of the Demon
She stumbled toward him, surveying him, then his brothers. Taeg’s and Dagan’s wounds weren’t disappearing, but Ronin... “You, too, your wounds are healing. How is—how is that possible?”
    “Brynn, go back into the room,” Keegan ordered.
    Keegan and Ronin could heal themselves? Amazing. No wonder they were so badass.
    The large gash down the center of Keegan’s nose closed itself. Other than a few stray droplets of blood, his nose seemed untouched. She took another step toward him, but her foot collided with a hard object. She’d run into one of the downed men. She lifted her gaze back to Keegan.
    Doing a double take, she stumbled backward to get a closer look at the figure of the man at her feet. No, he wasn’t a man. Not a man!
    His characteristics were definitely male and his body mostly human, save the gray pallor of his skin. But his face—it was all wrong. Five eyes instead of two. Rhinoceros-like horn instead of a nose. Ridged spikes covered his forehead. His nauseating stench burned her nostrils, like a horrid mixture of wet dog and burning asphalt.
    Warm hands gripped her arms, and someone shook her. “Brynn. Brynn. ”
    She looked into Keegan’s face. His lips moved, but she couldn’t hear him over the loud, shrill sound of an alarm.
    He shook her harder. “Brynn, stop screaming!”
    She realized with a start that he was right. Shutting her mouth abruptly, she moved her gaze back to the thing on the floor. She couldn’t help it.
    “Look at me,” Keegan said, his voice harsh.
    She focused on his eyes, his lips, his nose—his fully healed nose. When she found her voice again, she sputtered, “What the fuck is that thing?”
    Another figure on the floor moaned and stirred. Taeg strode over and kicked him, and he stopped moving. But even from here, it was obvious he wasn’t human.
    “What are they?” she whispered.
    Keegan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he reopened them, they blazed with the intensity of some unspoken emotion. Almost like he felt sorry for her. But when he spoke, all he said was, “Demons.”
    “Demons?” She laughed. Then laughed some more. In some distant part of her brain, she recognized she bordered on hysteria. “Demons?”
    Keegan just stared at her.
    “Are you kidding me? Demons? ”
    “You freely accept people with special abilities,” Ronin said as he moved next to Keegan and pinned her with his gaze. “Is it too much of a stretch to believe that demons might also exist?”
    “Yeah, but... ” What were they going to tell her next, that aliens were real, too? “But I have special abilities.”
    Dagan coughed. “You also have dem—”
    “Dagan,” Keegan snarled, followed by a string of foreign words. Dagan yelled back before whirling around and stomping out the front door.
    She concentrated on reading Keegan’s expression. “You actually expect me to believe those were demons?”
    He nodded. “Yes.”
    She took several deep, calming breaths. “How? How do you know all this? How can you tell me with such certainty that these are demons?”
    He exchanged a serious, telling glance with Ronin before answering her. “Because, Brynn... I am one.”
    Back at their borrowed apartment, Keegan paced the length of the living room while Taeg stood by the windows. Dagan and Ronin sat on the leather sectional, though relaxation looked like the last thing on their minds. Tension filled the air, thick and oppressive to the point that it overwhelmed.
    “Shit,” Keegan said. “Where is Mammon getting his info?”
    “Good question,” Taeg grumbled as he stared out the expansive windows. “He discovered Brynn’s identity right after we did, and we’ve got the whole damned Council on our side.”
    “He doesn’t know where she is now,” Dagan pointed out. “At least we have that.”
    Ronin shook his head, wearing a weary expression. “With intel that good, it’s only a matter of time before he figures it out.”
    Double shit

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