Playing the Game
“Watch the game Saturday. I’m
    “ I know,” I said before I
could stop the words. I closed my eyes to stifle my
    “ Keeping track,
    My fingers itched to smack him. “Just do
something good, huh?”
    He laughed. “Sure. A no-hitter.” The
laughter in his voice softened my heart and sent a shudder up my
spine. “I need to go. I have a meeting with the pitching coach
    “ Good luck, Jess,” I
whispered hoarsely. “I’ll watch.”
    “ Thanks, sweetheart . I’ll call
you this weekend.” He hung up before I could respond.
    Plugging my phone into the charger, I
wrestled with the conflicting emotions raging inside my head. My
feelings were hurt – that was an understatement. I couldn’t believe
all the things he said about Samantha. I mean, wasn’t I his…well,
    I shot straight up in my bed. What if he was
using me to meet Samantha? My heart fell, my lungs tightening. I
forced the images of Samantha in Jess’s arms out of my head. No,
Jess didn’t use people for anything. If he wanted something, he’d
go out and get it. He wasn’t much for playing games.
    But if that was true, what was he doing with

Chapter Seven
    I sat on a stool in the dusty antiques shop,
watching as Gwen assisted a customer inquiring about some old lamp.
I couldn’t understand the attraction but then, I wasn’t really into
the antiques trade.
    She rang her customer up with a charming
smile and sent the woman on her way. Turning her attention back to
me, she leaned against the counter. I noticed the light circles
under her eyes and scrunched up my nose.
    “ Are you sleeping okay?” I
    Shrugging, she began straightening a stack
of flyers on the counter. “I’ve been busy, that’s all. So tell me
what Jess is up to now.”
    I watched her for a few more minutes before
launching into my tale. She nodded and commented where appropriate
but I had a feeling her heart wasn’t in it. Sighing, she wiped her
hands on her jeans.
    “ You need to relax,
Aubrey. Don’t get so worked up over him. It’s obvious he likes you.
Maybe he’s trying to work out his feelings.”
    Again I was disappointed. I wanted her to
rail against Jess and take my side. I knew I was being childish but
my heart was nothing but a sopping mess and I had no clue what to
do about it. Gwen wouldn’t give me answers and all Jess did is
throw more questions my way like I was in the batter’s box.
    “ I’m just confused. I’ll
get over it,” I dismissed angrily. Gwen’s attention was distracted
again. In fact, she was looking a little green. “Are you
    She waved my concerns away. “I’m wearing
myself out is all. Things have picked up around here and I’ve been
running around auctions looking for new things. Dane keeps telling
me to take a few days off. That’s not possible with only two
    “ I’ll help if you need
it,” I offered, not liking how flushed my sister looked. “And I’m
    She laughed hollowly but a little color
returned to her face. She patted my shoulder and kissed my cheek.
“I might take you up on that if Dane persists. But right now, you
need to concentrate on the show. I liked your music but you’re
still not totally into it.”
    I groaned, tired of the same argument. I
heard enough of it on the show and from my mother. And from Jess. I
didn’t want Gwen to jump on the bandwagon. “I’ll practice this
    “ How are the other
contestants treating you?” she asked, scrutinizing my
    The party! I’d forgotten about Samantha’s
party. I hadn’t really intended to go but if Gwen was as tired as
she looked, I didn’t want to hang out at her house and make her
feel as though she had to entertain me. If only I had more
    “ They’re warming up to me.
One of them is having a party tonight and I think I’ll
    “ That’s a good idea,” she
said slowly. “But be careful.”
    I rolled my eyes, an irritating

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