
Free Scarlett by Tiece D Mickens

Book: Scarlett by Tiece D Mickens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiece D Mickens
and a note attached to it.
    I will put money on this prepaid Visa card for you at random times. You’re sure to have money on it if it goes low. If you are in desperate need for money, then tough it out until I add some on it for you. Between your checks from work and the extra money that I’ll be giving you, you should be fine. Your pin number is 8669. The last four digits of your cell phone number. Have a great night. Tear this note into very small pieces once you’ve read it.
    Scarlett immediately tore the note up and wrapped it in tissue paper. She flushed it down the toilet, then went back in the room and checked the balance on her Visa card. It had a balance of seven hundred dollars. She was ecstatic. She had never owned a Visa card, whether prepaid or not, so this was something new to her. No man ever slept with her and left her money.
    In all, she’d gotten a grand, a pep talk, and a breathtaking orgasm from Greg. She was all smiles as she lay back in the bed. She wasn’t planning on going anywhere until it was time for her to get up for work. At the moment, all she wanted to do was enjoy the room’s amenities and lavish view of the city from their bay window.

Chapter Eight
    Scarlett lay in bed, and even though she was feeling great from being with Greg, she still couldn’t sleep. She called and checked on Anton and he was fine, still out partying with Samantha. She asked about Gwen, but wasn’t worried about her, because she was grown and could take care of herself. She had Nina go check on her house, and everything was intact, so she couldn’t understand why she continued to toss and turn while lying in such a nice bed inside a gorgeous room.
    She looked over at the clock on the nightstand. It was a little after eleven, and still very early to her. She remembered that she packed an overnight bag, and her favorite drink, MD 20/20, was in it. She figured that if she drank her grape flavored drink, it would totally calm her down and put her to sleep. She took two Xanax pills and washed the down with the MD 20/20. She lay back on the bed and within twenty minutes or so; she was feeling buzzed and light-headed.
    Thoughts of Greg flooded her mind. He was a gentle lover and a very handsome older man. She could find comfort and security in fooling around with him. She would surely keep money in her pockets from the rate that he was handing out cash, and her bills would stay paid on time.
    She held her hand up in the air and admired her manicure. She reminisced about soaking her feet in the water while the lady pampered her. She had never felt so alive in her life. Her hair was prettier than she’d ever imagined it, and running her fingers through it felt electrifying. She never knew that she could feel so beautiful.
    Nina would always tell her that she was pretty, and all she had to do was believe it herself. Nina was indeed her best friend and had even tried doing Scarlett’s hair a few times, but Scarlett was so traumatized from the torture Gwen put her through that her scalp and head would hurt if anybody tried to touch it. That didn’t stop Nina though, because she always told her that the pain was in her mind and that it wasn’t bad once she started the process. Scarlett would stop her every time. Nina even tried to take her to get her nails and toes done, but Scarlett was so insecure that she never wanted to give it a chance. She felt that she didn’t need to look good, because all men wanted from her was pussy, and to her, pussy had no face. So as long as she laid it down in the bedroom, then they’d surely be back for more, regardless of how she looked.
    She laid there and began to question Sheila’s friendship and loyalty. Sheila didn’t mind being seen with her in school, but really, it was only the times when someone wanted to beat her ass. Sheila knew that Scarlett would have her back and not let anyone fuck with her.
    Scarlett sighed at the many times Sheila asked her to go to the nail and

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