My Immortal
chose her in any way over me. She
already has more of him than I have ever had, even if it was just a
little piece of him, it was a piece for her and only her. He gave
himself to her in a way he will never and has never given me and
the knowledge hurts like hell.
    And I press that back into the little black
vault inside my mind where I am going to store all memories of
Shadow and I and keep them locked away, hopefully to be forgotten
    He glances at me with an unfamiliar
expression that looks a lot like…pain? But it was gone just as fast
as it was there.
    "How do you feel?" he asks her suddenly,
voice deep and gruff.
    She smiles sweetly at him and I want to tell
her to just save it. Save her breath too because if I can't have
him surely she can't either.
    "I feel good mentally, but physically I'm
drained." She crawls over to her clothes and finally gets
    "Can…you help me…stand up?"
    He stands and dusts his hands and knees off.
"Of course."
    In a flash he appears next to her, hand
offered for support.
    I guess he can't just move normally now that
he's figured out his new skills, but who am I to complain over
something so miniscule.
    Just an observation.
    She sets her dainty hand in his and he easily
pulls her up. However, instead of standing she falls into him, arms
around his ribs.
    He seems to be holding all of her weight and
she seems to be enjoying him in her hug-like position as they walk
back to me and ease down to sit beside me. She tries to keep her
arms around him and rest her head on his shoulder but he wiggles
out of it and then pats her head awkwardly before he moves to stand
in front of us.
    He glances from me to her and then does it
over again.
    His arms are crossed and it puts his biceps
on display as well as his amazing stomach and broad shoulders. I do
not appreciate that she gets to enjoy this view as much as I know
she is.
    He is finally about to say something, and
just as he opens his mouth the cell door explodes inward. I watch
in slow motion as it heads straight for me. I distantly hear Shadow
roar and then he is there, arm around me with the other extended to
knock the door away. It splinters into a thousand tiny pieces as he
covers me in the safe protection that only he can offer me.
    Shocked and scared only one thought enters my
mind: I told you I would never let anything hurt you .
    And it wasn't even my thought.
    Before I can even form a reply, the dust
clears from the explosion and to my amazement a very familiar
figure is standing there.
    "Aw look, lover-boy has come to save you,"
Shadow snarls, loud enough for Gabe to hear.
    "Yes, someone had to do the saving. Didn't
look like you were getting very far so I thought I would, lend a
    At the mention of lending a hand, Gabriel's
hand extends down to me. I take it and he pulls me up into his
    My heart speeds up with joy and excitement at
seeing my best friend and official angel husband. I am also elated
that he is here to break us out.
    "How did you find us?! How did you blow up
the cell? How are we getting out?"
    He laughs deeply at all of my questions.
"I'll explain later, but we have to hurry now. Who's that?" He
tilts his head towards Jezebel who is still leaning on Shadow for
    "Oh, no one really," I reply in sing-song
    That's funny , Shadow sends my way.
    "You'll tell me later?" Gabe asks
    I want to curl my lip up at his curiosity
over her but instead I manage to nod my head choppily.
    "Well if Shadow's girlfriend can't stand on
her own he will just have to carry her because we have to leave
now. Follow me."
    He didn't give any of us time to agree or
disagree to that little statement but he darts out of the cell and
I follow him fighting the urge to look back.
    "Gabe," Shadow calls. Just one deep, velvety
word and Gabe stops dead in his tracks and turns around in
    And so do I, of course.
    "If you want the girl to come, you will carry
her, not

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