Tyranny in the Homeland

Free Tyranny in the Homeland by A. J. Newman

Book: Tyranny in the Homeland by A. J. Newman Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. J. Newman
do the work.”
    “Mr. President, it’s time to load up and head to the next stop.”
    The President’s eleven-year-old son ran up and pleaded, “Dad can I ride in one of the Humvees? Please?”
    “Bill, will it be okay for my son to ride in the Humvee with you? The limo is just not as exciting.”
    “Yes sir, there are no enemy forces within 150 miles of our location. I will personally watch over him.”
    “Thanks, I owe you.”
    Johnny was a pain in the ass, but no one wanted to get on the President’s bad side. Agents on his security detail were reassigned to war zones for pissing him off. He tried to help Johnny into the seat behind the driver, but the boy pitched a fit to ride in the front seat next to the driver. The agents gave in quickly and the Presidential convoy left for Kentucky.
    “Johnny, have you rode in a Humvee before?”
    “I’ve been in every Army vehicle, but have not been allowed to ride in a moving one before. Can we shoot the machine gun at something? I want to shoot the machine gun.”
    “Johnny, you can see the bridges over the Ohio up ahead. If there were enemy in the area that is where I would attack this convoy, but don’t worry we have the area secured.”
    The convoy travelled across the bridge and was proceeding at a good pace when all hell broke loose.
    “Zack, get the LAWs ready! Jesus, get the Stingers armed. Only shoot at the first and last Humvees in the motorcade. We can’t kill the SOB.”
    “Here they come.”
    The first rocket took out the lead Humvee while another team took out all four of the air support helicopters.
    “Don’t try too hard. This must look like we got beaten back and failed. They can only hear Jesus, Hector and Tim giving orders in Spanish."
    The last Humvee in the column exploded in a ball of flames and flying parts. The remaining four Humvees began laying down suppressing fire to cover the limo’s escape. Suddenly there was an explosion a few yards from the President’s limo as it rocketed back onto the bridge and back across the river. Two Humvees followed while they kept firing at the Rangers. One of the two remaining Humvees exploded as several LAWS rockets hit them from several directions. Several DHS Agents climbed out of the smoking vehicles and tried to find targets, but only heard the planned orders to retreat spoken in Spanish. The remaining one fired on the Rangers and found its target. Several Rangers fell and others scrambled for cover. The firefight was intense, but quickly over when a LAW rocket took out the Humvee.
    “John, everyone is in place. The diversion started five minutes ago and the rescue starts in thirty minutes. We hope that all the troops and most of the DHS go to rescue the President. We will blow them to pieces if they turn around and head back towards Madisonville. We are prepared to take out all of the small bridges and roads around Madisonville so they can’t send re-enforcements back in to stop our rescue of the NG families. We want them to think the Mexicans are attacking as long as possible. There will be three diversions besides the attempt on the President of the USA. They will think the diversions are to keep them away from saving the President.”
    “Do you think that they will buy the Mexican assault on the President?”
    “No way to know what they will think, but using only Hispanic troops to be seen at the attack will at least make them think that the Chupracabras are pissed at them for cutting off the sale of drugs in the northeast until their cut of the profit is raised."
    DHS and Army troops began loading up and moving north up Highway 41 and the Pennyrile Parkway headed towards Henderson, Kentucky. They had received urgent orders to assist the President.
    “Ignore the other attacks; they are just diversions. We must stop the attack on Army One.”
    “The plan is working. Fire up the choppers. We will have the area secure in

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