Luscious Sins (Bend to My Will #7)

Free Luscious Sins (Bend to My Will #7) by Emily Jane Trent

Book: Luscious Sins (Bend to My Will #7) by Emily Jane Trent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Jane Trent
It wasn’t even necessary to cook, as the local market offered freshly cooked meat, vegetables, cheese, and fresh fruit. Jacob took Vivienne down the hill to choose their dinner, just like one of the locals might.
    They ate in the garden, looking out over the vineyards and olive groves in the area. The sky was clear and the air crisp. It was so pleasant enjoying a simple meal with Vivienne. She sipped her wine, savoring the food. “The wine really enhances the taste of the food. I hadn’t noticed that so much before.”
    Vivienne turned the bottle to read the label. “Gorgeous, cherry-like fruit with dusty, earthy tannins, creating an internal tension that gives the wine energy.” She looked at Jacob. “I give up. What does that mean?”
    “Descriptions on labels are to assist you to pick up nuances. This wine is from the Chianti Classico region, and like other Italian reds it’s high in acidity, so it goes beautifully with many foods,” Jacob said. “The wines here tend to be subtle, without the high-volume fruit flavors that can overpower food.”
    “What grape is it?”
    “It’s the Sangiovese grape, the dominant red grape of Central Italy. But it can taste so different, depending on where it is planted, how it is grown, and the winemaker’s process.”
    “You are an expert.”
    Jacob smiled. “I better be. It’s my business.” He took a sip of his wine, admiring Vivienne’s beauty in the golden light as the sun dropped behind the hills. “These wines are meant to go with food. In Italy, the notion of drinking wine without food is vaguely horrifying.”
    Vivienne laughed, her green eyes sparkling. She held out her glass. “I’ll have more, then, since I’m not finished eating.”
    Although Jacob had planned the trip to Tuscany for business reasons, he found that work took a back seat to spending time with Vivienne. He managed to connect with a couple of the boutique wineries on his itinerary, and accomplished a few other items on the agenda. But the visit to the region became more of a vacation.
    For one thing, the metallic-blue Ferrari that Jacob ordered had been delivered. It was waiting for him in the garage the day they arrived, and he couldn’t wait to drive it. He took the opportunity to cruise over the winding country roads, crossing the gentle hills. Vivienne seemed as delighted with the sports car as he was.
    He enjoyed the light steering wheel, the very fast shifting, and the power. The engine in the back made a throaty snarl when he accelerated, and he couldn’t resist tipping into the throttle to listen to the engine’s song. Accelerating, cornering, and even braking was a kick. Without taking his eyes off the road, Jacob said, “Words don’t adequately describe driving a Ferrari.”
    Vivienne grinned at him. “It’s like a rocket or something.”
    “It’s the ultimate sports car, and there’s no better place to drive it than on these country roads.” The car seemed happiest when it was pushed hard, as it was meant to be driven fast. The Ferrari was truly a thinly disguised racecar.
    They drove past wild forests, medieval pilgrim trails, and ruins of ancient churches, on their way to a winery in an old castle, which was like something out of a fairy tale. On one drive, Jacob detoured to drive along the coastline, over roads lined with cypress trees that were hundreds of years old, then along the shore by the deep blue water.
    One day they went to the village of Castellina, a lovely hilltop maze of terra cotta and stone, complete with a long vaulted passageway that tunneled through medieval town walls. It was also home to L’Antica Delizia, a family-run shop serving some of the finest gelato in Tuscany. Jacob had the ricotta and pear flavor, while Vivienne had the dark chocolate ginger selection.
    “I haven’t tasted anything quite like this before,” she said, and licked the spoon. Watching the creamy treat melt in her mouth gave Jacob other ideas about what he wanted

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