Seeing Forever

Free Seeing Forever by Vanessa Devereaux

Book: Seeing Forever by Vanessa Devereaux Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vanessa Devereaux
he was having trouble breathing.
    “Where am I?” he asked.
    “You’re at home. It’s okay.”
    “I can’t see.”
    Her stomach turned and she remembered the woman’s
voice. He needs you . She knew where
she’d heard it before. Yes, it had definitely been Sadie’s. How strange that
she should know that Luc was having a nightmare and that Katey was attempting to leave.
    “You’re going to be all right,” she said.
    The only thing she could do was slide onto the bed
to hug him.
    “There was an explosion, and then everything went
black,” he said.
    “I know, but you’re safe now. Me and Willow are here with you.”
    “I’m not in the hospital?”
    “Nope, you’re back home in
Boise in your house. I’m guessing you had a bad dream about the bomb exploding
and it’s disorientated you.”
    He patted the bed, seeming almost on the verge of
having a panic attack. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it.
    “I got so scared. I couldn’t see and I could smell
    She rubbed the back of his hand. “It must have been
scary. Have you had nightmares before?”
    “Yeah, a couple of times a week, but this one was
really bad. I was back there, living through the explosion. This time I even
heard the bomb ticking, but I couldn’t run away fast enough.”
    A bead of sweat dripped off his face and onto the
    “Wait here and I’ll get a washcloth and some ice
cold water.”
    She hurried to the bathroom and then down to the
kitchen and filled up a beaker with ice and water, before heading back upstairs.
She rested the washcloth on his forehead and then sat him up and made him take
small sips of the water.
    He extended his hand, resting it on her thigh. She
glanced at his fingers. Surely he must know he’d made contact with her body but
he seemed in no hurry to move his hand.
    Katey’s heartbeat
picked up. She closed her eyes. All she wanted to do was crawl under the sheets
and snuggle next to him. Not only to comfort him but to satisfy her own craving
and fantasy. But that would be taking advantage of the situation.
    “ Katey ,” he finally said.
She hadn’t realized what a deep sexy voice he had until now. She closed her
eyes again and it wasn’t until he said her name again that she realized she
hadn’t responded.
    “Yes, how are you feeling?” she asked.
    Willow put his paw on the bed as if he knew Luc
wasn’t doing so well. She reached over and stroked his head to assure him he
did okay and none of this was his fault.
    “Don’t leave me alone in the dark,” he said,
stroking her leg. She’d never felt quite like this before, her skin was suddenly
supersensitive, her nipples throbbed and her panties were without a doubt,
    “How about I sleep in the chair by the bed? That way
Willow and I can keep an eye on you, and I’m here if you need to talk?”
    “That won’t be very comfortable for you. You can
have the bed and I’ll take the chair.”
    “I wouldn’t think of it.”
    “Then lay on top of the bed beside me. There are
some extra blankets in the cupboard over there.”
    She wanted to say no. Not that she was offended by
his suggestion but he was too tempting and she was scared she’d take advantage
of him, not vice versa.
    “Sure. I’ll just go get them.”
    She walked across to the other side of the room,
opened the cupboard and saw two crème blankets sitting on the top shelf. She
took them out, and then walked back to the bed where Luc had moved over to the
right side.
    Katey got
onto the bed and threw the blankets over her and eased her head down on the
pillow. Willow walked around and then lay on the floor beside Luc.
    “You have both of us with you,” said Katey .
    He reached out and felt for her hand. She helped him
by slipping it into his palm. Luc wrapped his fingers around her knuckles.
    “Thanks for doing this. I feel like a freak and…”
    “Hey, you’re anything but a freak, and I’m happy to
be helping you.”
    “You mind if I do

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