Ice Dreams Part 1

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Book: Ice Dreams Part 1 by Melissa Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Johns
breath. As he moved into his closet, Madison entered the room and cleared her throat. He turned around and smiled. “Hey, were you spying on me?”
    She nodded slowly as if she couldn’t find the right words to say to him. Her body betrayed her as she tried to keep her eyes locked with his but they slowly moved up and down his body. He walked over to her as she instinctively put her hands on his chest. Her eyes watched her fingertips as they traced over his chest muscles. She continued to move them down over his abs and noticed the trail of light hair as it disappeared beneath his towel. She quickly looked up at him and saw the fire burning deep in his eyes.
    “You can’t do this to me, I’m already late and I can’t start anything,” Hunter said as he backed away from her. “You claimed that you are innocent but when I see that look in your eyes and that curiosity on your face and it drives me insane.”
    “Sorry,” she softly whispered and sat on his bed.
    Hunter knelt in front of her. “Please don’t be sorry, I love it. One day when I have the time, I will properly show you exactly what you do to me. But, I’m still trying to get to know you better and trying to remember that you are my best friend’s sister.”
    Madison blushed as she felt those new sensations rush through her body again. She took a deep breath and changed the subject. “Alicia asked if you would drop me off at their apartment.”
    Hunter nodded as he traced his finger down her cheek and wrapped his hand around her neck softly. He nuzzled and kissed her neck softly. “Can we continue this later tonight?”
    Madison nodded. “Where am I sleeping?”
    Hunter smirked and shook his head as if he was shaking away a thought. “I will show you, can you give me a minute to finish getting ready?”
    She nodded as they both stood up. She braced her hands against his chest as they slid up around his neck. She quickly brought his lips down to meet hers. He groaned softly as she parted his lips and softly played with his tongue.
    She broke away from the kiss and slowly backed away from him. As she turned her back to leave the room, he grabbed her hand at the last minute and pushed her against the door. His lips were within inches of hers, his breathing was rapid and he quickly covered her lips again. She kissed him with every ounce of energy that she had in her and didn’t seem like it was enough. His arms were on either side of her head holding her in place. He backed away from her as he softly chanted to himself that he was late.
    Madison sat in his living room and waited for him to finish getting dressed. Her body was on fire and she tingled in places that she didn’t recognize. As he came around the corner, he smiled at her. “I’m sorry about that. I need to find a way to control myself better around you.”
    She found herself disappointed that he had found clothes to put on but still was impressed by the way he looked in slacks and a dress shirt. “I like the way you are when you are around me. I can take it, I won’t break, I promise.”
    Hunter stopped in his tracks as he slid his jacket on and closed his eyes. He softly whispered when he turned back towards her. “God, I like you.” He reached for her hand and put her jacket on as they hurried out to his truck and drove to Alicia’s.
    As Hunter drove away, Madison quickly pushed the buzzer for Alicia’s apartment. She heard the noise as the door opened. As the elevator arrived on her floor, Alicia was waiting at the door for her and hurried across the hallway to hug Madison tightly.
    “I’m so happy that you are here. Come on, I made us a snack.”
    Madison entered their apartment and looked around. “This place is spectacular. You are so lucky. You have a view like Hunter’s apartment.”
    Alicia smiled and poured them a couple glasses of wine. “Here you go. So, what did you want to talk about?” She asked as she sat on the couch.
    Madison sat next to her and smiled.

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