Ice Dreams Part 1

Free Ice Dreams Part 1 by Melissa Johns

Book: Ice Dreams Part 1 by Melissa Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Johns
said a word since we left the house?” Hunter asked as he reached for her hand.
    Madison nodded. “I’m ok. I stood my ground and did what I wanted to do. I’m proud of myself but I feel bad about my conversation with Carter.”
    “Don’t worry about him, just sit down and talk with him. I’m sure you can work it all out.”
    “Thank you for standing by me. I feel bad though, you barely know me and I’m afraid you will realize how messed up my family is and run screaming for the hills.”
    Hunter laughed and winked at her. “I told you, I like you. I’m not going anywhere unless you tell me to leave.”
    “I don’t see that happening.” Madison smirked.
    “Then, we are good,” Hunter said as he kissed her hand.
    They talked the rest of the way into the city about her family and the issues she had growing up. She noticed that Hunter didn’t open up about his minor league hockey experience as much as he could have because he knew it would upset her. She smiled at him as he talked about his brother. Madison gathered that they were a very close family but worked hard at it because of Hunter’s career and his brother going to law school.
    As they pulled into his parking garage her cell phone rang. “Hey, Jessie!”
    “Hey stranger, I haven’t heard a thing from you lately. How’s everything going?”
    “It’s been interesting, that’s for sure,” Madison said as Hunter jumped out the truck and reached for her bag.
    “Where are you now?” Jessie asked.
    “At the all star game, we just drove into the city.” Madison smiled at Hunter as he leaned against the truck and waited for her phone call to end. She reached up and touched the side of his face.
    “How’s Hunter?”
    “He’s wonderful. He’s standing with me right now, want to say hi?”
    “No, I will wait to meet him in person if you bring him back home,” Jessie laughed.
    “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, we just arrived at his apartment, can I call you later?”
    “You are at his apartment?” Jessie yelled. “Are you sleeping with him already?”
    Madison turned ten shades of red. “God no! I’m just staying here because of some family issues.”
    Jessie sighed into the phone. “I’m so afraid that you are going to rush into things, Maddy. Just remember there is no reason to hurry anything and don’t let him pressure you either.”
    “Why is everyone worried about me rushing into things? I know I’m new to all of this but I’m adult and can make my own decisions.”
    “Of course, you are! I didn’t mean anything by that. I just wish I was there to help you or guide you.”
    “I’m doing just fine, Jessie. I swear that Hunter is a total gentleman.”
    “I’m coming home shortly, so I hope to see you when you get back.”
    “Of course, we will talk later.” Madison shut her phone and put it in her jeans pocket. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
    “I’m just worried that people are going to talk you out of having a relationship with me.” Hunter explained.
    Madison smiled and lightly kissed his lips. “I’m an adult, Hunter. I make my own decisions,” she paused at looked him. “Are we in a relationship?”
    Hunter smirked. “I hope we are but if you want to keep it casual for now, that’s fine. But, I warned you. Once I set my mind on something, I normally get my way.”
    Madison smiled and looked at the ground. “I would like to be your girlfriend.”
    Hunter reached out and lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. “I love the sound of that, Madison.”
    She leaned in and covered his lips with hers. He groaned softly as he twirled her around and pushed her back against the side of his truck. They were hidden by the concrete wall so no one could see them. He pressed his body tighter against hers as his hand reached underneath her t-shirt and touched her bare skin.
    Her arms went around his neck as her fingers slid up into his hair and pulled lightly on it. His lips continued to attack hers as his

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