Breathless #2 (The Breathless Romance Series - Book #2)

Free Breathless #2 (The Breathless Romance Series - Book #2) by Claire Adams

Book: Breathless #2 (The Breathless Romance Series - Book #2) by Claire Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Adams
you mean?” I nodded. “She’s entitled to her
opinion about hockey. It’s not like I haven’t heard it before, and besides—lots
of guys in hockey are big, dumb idiots missing half their teeth.” I chuckled.
“I know she’s worried about you and wants what’s best for you, so it’s not like
I can take offense. Besides, your dad’s a Sens fan. All it will take to get in
his good graces for good is a few comped tickets to
some of our games.”
    “You know, I had no idea at all that he liked hockey.
He never mentioned it, and I guess he must have watched the games on his own.”
Johnny gave me a playful look.
    “So where did you pick up your great love of hockey
from then?” he asked me. I blushed.
    “Okay, so I might have lied a little about how much I
love it. But when a hot guy asks you if you like the sport they play, any girl
with half a brain would say yes.” Johnny laughed out loud, throwing his head
    “I knew it! I knew you were lying about how much you
love hockey. Does your roomie even know anything about it?” I chuckled.
    “We were looking everything up on Google at the last
game,” I admitted, hanging my head in pretend shame. “But I did learn what your
position is and why it’s so important. In fact, I believe that I am going to
buy myself a Steel jersey and wear it around campus.” Johnny laughed again,
shaking his head.
    “If you want one, I have extras. I’ll give you one.
That’s better than buying it anyway; you’ll have one of the only real ones on
    We made our way back to the college, talking about the
dinner; Johnny mentioned that the only time he had ever eaten so well in his
life was right before prom, and that my parents could invite him to dinner any
time and he’d put off any responsibility to have the perk of being able to get
filet mignon for nothing. He told me about his training diet, which I had kind
of noticed when we’d had dinner together the other night, and from the few
times I’d seen him eating—it was serious business, keeping a team of hockey
players in shape, something I hadn’t considered.
    Our conversation started to wander back to our
relationship, and I found myself smiling as Johnny told me that he was really
glad he’d come to meet my parents; not just for the free meal, but to show me
that he was actually serious about me. “I know you were nervous about asking
me,” he said, giving me a little smile, “but it’s a good thing overall.”
    “Well we’ve only seen each other a couple of times. I
didn’t want you to think I was some kind of…relationship leech or something,
latching onto you and trying to make you commit after only one real date.”
Johnny snorted.
    “From the first time I saw you I wanted you to be my
girlfriend,” he told me, merging onto the interstate highway that would bring
us up to campus. “If you hadn’t gotten lost the first day of classes I would
have found a way to talk to you again.” I felt tingly all over, warm and more
comfortable than I ever had with Johnny before. “Do you have any idea how
special you are, Becky?” I shrugged.
    “I’m really not that special. Just another cute
upper-class brat who’s trying to get away from her parents.” Johnny rolled his
    “You’re not just cute and you’re not a brat. You’re
sweet and beautiful and funny. You’re learning about hockey just so you can be
involved in that part of my life.” Johnny shook his head, smiling the same way
I was sure I was smiling. “I never thought in a million years I’d meet a girl
like you in college. I figured I’d have to wait until after I graduated and
date like a thousand girls to find someone like you.” I blushed.
    “Well, we were both really lucky I backed into you
then, weren’t we?” Johnny grinned.
    “I might have helped that along a little bit,” he
admitted. “I saw you—just for a second—and when you went to put away your tray,
I made sure to get as close behind you as

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