Midnight in Brussels

Free Midnight in Brussels by Rebecca Randolph Buckley

Book: Midnight in Brussels by Rebecca Randolph Buckley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Randolph Buckley
arms and carried her into the bedroom.
    “No, no, no,” she giggled. “I have to get dressed, darling. I have an appointment this morning.”
    “All arhosa!” he replied in his native Welsh.
    “Pete, speak English. What is all arhosa?”
    “It means it can wait, my luv, it can wait.” He grinned widely, tossing her onto the bed and following after he pulled off his clothing as fast as he could. “You drive me mad, woman,'n arbennig pryd 'ch re 'n noeth.”
    “Especially when you’re naked,” he whispered as he nuzzled her neck.
    She loved Pete’s eagerness and his passion. He had made her believe her body was beautiful and he’d helped remove her shyness and terror of being naked in front of a man. He’d taught her that making love was the ultimate experience between a man and woman. She’d lived her whole life afraid of sex and the vulnerability it presented. It took Pete to change her feelings.
    She couldn’t help but notice the franticness Pete was showing in this morning’s lovemaking. He usually was more gentle and a genius at foreplay. But not this time, it appeared. The passion was there, in fact it was at a frenzied high, and she had to admit she was enjoying it for a change. It made her giggle.
    “My luv, my luv … ” He was devouring her breasts with his hands and his lips. He slowly flicked his tongue down her body past her navel, teasing her till he reached her female softness where he found what he was looking for. She sighed and squirmed with utter rapture.
    Suddenly he rolled over on his back, placing her on top of him, pulling her hips to his. His huge hands held her buttocks in place as he entered her with ease and began the slow, rhythmic movements that she loved so much.
    Later Pete sat on the edge of the bed beside Rachel and lifted her hand to his lips. “I have to leave for London in a couple of hours, luv.” He searched her green eyes for the reaction he knew was coming.
    She frowned and stared into his eyes, not saying anything.
    “You knew it would be soon, doll. You knew I’d be leaving again.”
    “Where to this time?” she asked quietly, turning away.
    “The Amazon.”
    “Not again!” Rachel looked at him with a frown and sighed deeply.
    “Yes, luv. The deforestation is happening at an alarming rate now, and we have to get in there to rescue samples before plant life as we know it will be completely destroyed. The country is being plundered, Rachel. These are critical times. We’ve discussed this.”
    She looked down at their clasped hands in resignation, “I know. I know.”
    “Be happy for me, Rachel. You know I love doing what I do. Please don’t make it difficult for me. I love you and I need your support.”
    She stood in front of him and put her arms around his neck, while he remained seated on the bed, his face pressed against her breasts.
    “I don’t mean to be a shrew, darling. I’ll just miss you, that’s all. I’m so afraid something will happen to you again. I couldn’t go through another plane crash, wondering if you’re alive or dead, and that jungle is treacherous.”
    “There won’t be another plane crash, luv. The chances of it happening again are next to none. Besides, we’re flying into a major airport, not taking a puddle-jumper this time. And we’re going up river by boat, so there won’t be any small planes involved at all. I’ll be safe.”
    “So how long will you be gone, then?”
    “I’m not sure exactly. Three or four months. I’ll know more after we get there. Might be up to six, I won’t lie to you.”
    “Why didn’t you tell me before now? That’s not fair, Pete.”
    He stood and held her close to him, tightly. “I didn’t have the heart to tell you. I knew how you’d feel and I couldn’t bear seeing it in your eyes. This way I only have to bear it for an hour or so.”
    “Not fair, Pete! Not fair at all!” She pulled away from him and grabbed her towel on the way to the bathroom and

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